This article deals with evaporative cooling devices used in air
conditioning systems. Various ways of lowering the air temperature to the dew point
have been identified as a result of improvements to the devices considered. It is also
indicated that the circulating water temperature in the system can be lowered to the air
temperature on the wet bulb thermometer. As is known, recirculating water is often used
as a cooling water in process units to reduce water consumption in industrial plants.
Circulating water is heated by recirculation and the heated water is cooled in ventilated
cooling towers. This method of cooling water by direct evaporation is based on the
thermodynamic disequilibrium of atmospheric air and the difference in psychometric
temperatures between dry and wet thermometers. This method of water cooling, offered
in air conditioning systems for dry and hot climates, is very effective. Modern, efficient
solutions are needed for a wide range of energy-saving techniques in air conditioning
systems. One such solution is to pre-cool the air entering the unit (in heat exchangers)
or to use natural cooling sources. The use of an energy-saving chiller with an indirect
evaporator as a source of cold water in hot and dry climates is therefore recommended
in air conditioning systems.

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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 06-09-2022
  • Количество прочтений 291
  • Дата публикации 30-06-2022
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы254-259

This article deals with evaporative cooling devices used in air
conditioning systems. Various ways of lowering the air temperature to the dew point
have been identified as a result of improvements to the devices considered. It is also
indicated that the circulating water temperature in the system can be lowered to the air
temperature on the wet bulb thermometer. As is known, recirculating water is often used
as a cooling water in process units to reduce water consumption in industrial plants.
Circulating water is heated by recirculation and the heated water is cooled in ventilated
cooling towers. This method of cooling water by direct evaporation is based on the
thermodynamic disequilibrium of atmospheric air and the difference in psychometric
temperatures between dry and wet thermometers. This method of water cooling, offered
in air conditioning systems for dry and hot climates, is very effective. Modern, efficient
solutions are needed for a wide range of energy-saving techniques in air conditioning
systems. One such solution is to pre-cool the air entering the unit (in heat exchangers)
or to use natural cooling sources. The use of an energy-saving chiller with an indirect
evaporator as a source of cold water in hot and dry climates is therefore recommended
in air conditioning systems.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Usmonov N.O. teacher TSTU
2 Hazratov A.G. teacher TSTU
3 Usmonov J.Y. teacher TSTU
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