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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 12-03-2020
  • Количество прочтений 225
  • Дата публикации 03-06-2019
  • Язык статьиRus
  • Страницы7
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The problems of increasing the cleaning effect of a screw cleaner with a decrease in defect formation are considered. Mathematical models are obtained that allow to determine the angle at which a raw cotton particle will be held by a pin, when moving relative to the mesh surface. Experimental studies have shown that the most effective retention of raw cotton is observed at a pin engagement angle of 600.

Название ссылки
1 1. Lugachev A.E. Development of theoretical principles of nutrition and cotton cleaning in relation to the flow technology of its processing. Diss. doc those. Science.-Tashkent: TITLP, 1998.
2 2. Мирошниченко Г.И. Основы проектирования машин первичной обработки хлопка- сырца. М.: Машиностроения, 1972., 472 с.
3 3. Султонов А. Исследования по изысканию оптимальных способов очистки хлоко- сырца от мелкого сора. Дисс. канд. техн. наук. Т., 1980.
4 4. Pezo Lato; Jovanovic Aca; Pezo Milada. Modified screw conveyor-mixers - Discrete element modeling approach ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY Tom:26 Выпуск: 5 Стр.: 1391-1399 Опубликовано:SEP 2015.
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