The difference between the approaches of different researchers in describing the kinetics of bacterial growth lies in the choice of the most significant factors affecting the specific growth rate of microflora. In general, the specific growth rate of microorganisms depends on the availability of a limiting substrate, the presence of inhibitors, acidity, ambient temperature, and others. Thus, the specific growth rate of biomass depends on difficult to determine values. As a result of the analysis of known models, in this work we used the Kobozev model, with a minimum number of physicochemical and biological factors. Despite its relative simplicity, the model allows us to pose and solve the problem of optimizing the process of anaerobic fermentation. A systematic numerical experiment was carried out for a wide range of the above parameters. The optimal values ​​of the main input parameters were found for the studied biomass species.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 05-08-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 308
  • Nashr sanasi 20-05-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar70-76

Turli tadqiqotchilarning bakterial osish kinetikasini tavsiflashdagi yondoshuvlar ortasidagi farq mikrofloraning osish sur'atlariga ta'sir etuvchi eng muhim omillarni tanlash bilan bogliq. Umuman olganda, mikroorganizmning oziga xos osish sur'atini cheklovchi substratning mavjudligiga, ingibitorlarning mavjudligiga, kislotalikka, atrof-muhit haroratiga va boshqalarga bogliq. Shunday qilib, biomassaning oziga xos osish sur'ati qiymatlarini aniqlash qiyinligiga bogliq. Ma'lum modellarni tahlil qilish natijasida ushbu ishda biz minimal miqdordagi fizik-kimyoviy va biologik omillarni hisobga olgan holda Kobozev modelidan foydalandik. Nisbatan soddaligiga qaramay, model bizga anaerobik fermentatsiya jarayonini optimallashtirish masalasini hal qilish va imkonini beradi. Yuqoridagi parametrlarning keng doirasi uchun tizimli sonli tajriba otkazildi. Organilayotgan biomassa turlari uchun asosiy kirish parmetrlarining maqbul qiymatlari topildi.


Kalit so'z

The difference between the approaches of different researchers in describing the kinetics of bacterial growth lies in the choice of the most significant factors affecting the specific growth rate of microflora. In general, the specific growth rate of microorganisms depends on the availability of a limiting substrate, the presence of inhibitors, acidity, ambient temperature, and others. Thus, the specific growth rate of biomass depends on difficult to determine values. As a result of the analysis of known models, in this work we used the Kobozev model, with a minimum number of physicochemical and biological factors. Despite its relative simplicity, the model allows us to pose and solve the problem of optimizing the process of anaerobic fermentation. A systematic numerical experiment was carried out for a wide range of the above parameters. The optimal values ​​of the main input parameters were found for the studied biomass species.


Отличие подходов разных исследователей при описании кинетики бактериального роста заключается в выборе наиболее значимых факторов, влияющих на удельную скорость роста микрофлоры. В общем случае, удельная скорость роста микроорганизмов зависит от доступности лимитирующего субстрата, наличия ингибиторов, кислотности, температуры среды и другие. Таким образом, удельная скорость роста биомассы зависит от трудности при определении величин. В результате анализа известных моделей, в данной работе использована модель Кобозева, с минимальным количеством физико-химических и биологических  факторов. Несмотря на относительную простоту, модель позволяет ставить и решать задачу оптимизации процесса анаэробного брожения. Проведен систематический численный эксперимент для широкого диапазона вышеназванных параметров. Найдены оптимальные для исследуемых видов биомасс значения основных входных параметров.

Kalit so'z
Havola nomi
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