The article considers the investigation results of the working process of diesel on light fuel. Consumption of natural resources in the form of hydrocarbon fuels, which is steadily increasing in transport, the number of rolling stock, and combustion products of motor fuels cause environmental pollution. It is shown that the transition to cheaper alternative types of fuel, by its characteristics, not inferior to liquid motor fuels, is one of the options to reduce operating costs and harmful emissions. The scheme of classification of gas systems of fuel transfer is presented: by design of the system of filling and storage of gas; by quantity of the substituted basic fuel in the system of fuel supply; by method of dosing of fuel; by name and place of sending of a control signal; by design of the unit of decrease in pressure of gas; by design and a site of heating devices of a gas stream of a high pressure; by a method of ignition of a gas-air mix; by a method of change of indicators of working process; by an aggregate condition of used According to the results of theoretical and operational research of the gas engine based on a supercharged diesel engine: the necessity of using a gas injector power supply system has been established; the power and torque of the gas engine created on the basis of a supercharged diesel engine practically do not differ from that of the diesel engine, which is explained by a relatively high degree of compression for engines with spark ignition (ε=2); it has been shown that in the long term it is possible to use gas supply systems under pressure directly into the engine cylinder. As a result, the most affordable commercial alternative fuel for road transport in Uzbekistan turned out to be natural gas.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 06-08-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 301
  • Nashr sanasi 20-05-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar89-96

. Maqolada yengil yonilgida ishlovchi dizelning ishchi jarayoni tadqiqot natijalari korib chiqilgan. Qollanilishi transportlarda tobora ortib borayotgan, uglerodli yonilgʻilar koʻrinishidagi tabiiy resurslarni iste’moli, harakatlanuvchi tarkib soni hisobi hamda motor yonilgʻilarining yonish mahsulotlari atrof-muhitni ifloslantirishga olib kelishi keltirilgan. Oʻzining tavsiflariga koʻra suyuq motor yonilgʻilaridan kam boʻlmagan, ancha arzon alternativ yonilgʻi turlariga oʻtish, ekspluatatsion xarajatlarni kamaytirish va zararli chiqindilarni kamaytirishning bir varianti sifatida koʻrsatilgan. Maqolada yonilgʻini uzatish gazli tizimlarning: gaz bilan zapravka qilish va saqlash tizimining konstruksiyasi boʻyicha; yonilgʻi uzatish tizimida almashtirilayotgan asosiy yonilgʻi miqdori boʻyicha; yonilgʻini dozirovka qilish usuli boʻyicha; boshqaruv signalining nomi va yuborish joyi boʻyicha; gaz bosimini pasaytirish agregatining konstruksiyasi boʻyicha; yuqori bosimli gaz oqimini isituvchi qurilmalarning konstruksiyasi va joylashuvi boʻyicha; gaz havo aralashmasini alangalashtirish usuli boʻyicha; ishchi jarayon koʻrsatkichlarini oʻzgartirish usuli boʻyicha; foydalanilayotgan gazlardan foydalanish usuli boʻyicha; tizimiy qurilmalarning konstruksiyasi va joylashishi boʻyicha sxemalari taqdim etilgan. Nadduvli dizel bazasidagi gazli dvigatelning nazariy va ekspluatatsion tadqiqotlari natijasida: gazli injektorli ta’minlash tizimi oʻrnatilishi zarurligi aniqlandi; nadduvli dizel bazasida yaratilgan gazli dvigatelning quvvati va burovchi momenti dizel koʻrsatkichidan deyarli farq qilmaydi, buning sababi – uchqun bilan oʻt oldiriladigan dvigatel siqish darajasining nisbatan kattalashganligidadir (ε=2); gazni bosim ostida bevosita silindrga uzatish istiqboli koʻrsatilgan. Oʻzbekistonda avtomobil dvigatellari uchun tabiiy gaz eng muqobil istiqbolli yonilgʻi boʻlishi mumkinligi isbotlangan.

Kalit so'z

The article considers the investigation results of the working process of diesel on light fuel. Consumption of natural resources in the form of hydrocarbon fuels, which is steadily increasing in transport, the number of rolling stock, and combustion products of motor fuels cause environmental pollution. It is shown that the transition to cheaper alternative types of fuel, by its characteristics, not inferior to liquid motor fuels, is one of the options to reduce operating costs and harmful emissions. The scheme of classification of gas systems of fuel transfer is presented: by design of the system of filling and storage of gas; by quantity of the substituted basic fuel in the system of fuel supply; by method of dosing of fuel; by name and place of sending of a control signal; by design of the unit of decrease in pressure of gas; by design and a site of heating devices of a gas stream of a high pressure; by a method of ignition of a gas-air mix; by a method of change of indicators of working process; by an aggregate condition of used According to the results of theoretical and operational research of the gas engine based on a supercharged diesel engine: the necessity of using a gas injector power supply system has been established; the power and torque of the gas engine created on the basis of a supercharged diesel engine practically do not differ from that of the diesel engine, which is explained by a relatively high degree of compression for engines with spark ignition (ε=2); it has been shown that in the long term it is possible to use gas supply systems under pressure directly into the engine cylinder. As a result, the most affordable commercial alternative fuel for road transport in Uzbekistan turned out to be natural gas.


В статье рассматриваются результаты исследования рабочего процесса дизеля на легком топливе. Приведено потребление природных ресурсов в виде углеводородных топлив, которое неуклонно увеличивается на транспорте, растет численность подвижного состава, а продукты сгорания моторных топлив вызывают загрязнение окружающей среды. Показано, что переход на более дешевые альтернативные виды топлива, по своим характеристикам не уступающим жидким моторным топливам, является одним из вариантов снижения эксплуатационных затрат и уменьшения вредных выбросов. Представлена схема классификации газовых систем топливопередачи: по конструкции системы заправки и хранения газа; по количеству заменяемого основного топлива в системе топливоподачи; по способу дозирования топлива; по наименованию и месту отправки управляющего сигнала; по конструкции агрегата снижения давления газа; по конструкции и месторасположению подогревающих устройств газового потока высокого давления; по способу воспламенения газовоздушной смеси; по способу изменения показателей рабочего процесса; по агрегатному состоянию используемых газов; по конструкции и месторасположению системных устройств. По итогам проведенных теоретических и эксплуатационных исследований газового двигателя на базе дизеля с наддувом: установлена необходимость использования газовой инжекторной системы питания; мощность и крутящий момент газового двигателя, созданного на базе дизеля с наддувом, практически не отличаются от показателей дизеля, что объясняется относительно высокой степенью сжатия для двигателей с искровым зажиганием (ε=2); показано, что в перспективе возможно использование систем подачи газа под давлением непосредственно в цилиндр двигателя. В результате, наиболее доступным коммерческим альтернативным топливом для автомобильного транспорта в Узбекистане оказался природный газ.

Kalit so'z
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