The relevance of the topic is determined by the development of the spatial distribution of earthquake foci in different morphogenetic types of concentric structures (CS) and due to the need to study the structure of the Earth's crust and upper mantle in Uzbekistan. Our republic is one of the highly seismic regions of Central Asia, characterized by a complex geological and tectonic structure.
So far, seismicity and seismic activity of Uzbekistan have been studied using geological-geomorphological, geophysical and seismological methods. Based on the obtained geological and geophysical results, seismic zoning and forecasting of earthquake sites have been carried out. At the same time, the links between earthquake centers with concentric structures (CS) and their geodynamic characteristics were not considered. Cosmo-photo-geological information for identification of lineaments and concentric structures, their analysis, connection with seismic activity of Uzbekistan territory was not widely used. Therefore, there appeared a need for more detailed study of CSs and their connection with seismic activity. The geological and tectonic structure of regions is studied by various geological and geophysical methods. Recently, a remote method has been introduced into the practice of studying the structure and geodynamics of the Earth's crust.
Mavzuning dolzarbligi halqasimon tuzilmalarning turli morfogenetik turlarida (KC) zilzila o‘choqlarining taqsimlanishini ishlab chiqish bilan belgilanadi va O‘zbekiston hududida yer qobig‘i va yuqori mantiyaning tuzilishini o‘rganish zarurati bilan bog‘liq. Respublikamiz Markaziy Osiyoning murakkab geologik-tektonik tuzilishi bilan ajralib turadigan yuqori seysmik mintaqalaridan biridir.
Hozirgi kunga qadar O‘zbekiston hududining seysmik va seysmik faolligi geologik-geomorfologik, geofizik va seysmologik usullardan foydalangan holda o‘rganildi. Olingan geologiya-geofizik natijalar asosida seysmik rayonlashtirish va zilzila joylarining bashorati bajarildi. Shu bilan birga, zilzila o‘choqlari halqasimon tuzilmalar (KC) va ularning geodinamik xususiyatlari bilan aloqasi ko‘rib chiqilmagan. Lineamentlar va xalqasimon tuzilmalarni aniqlash, ularni tahlil qilish, O‘zbekiston hududining seysmik faolligi bilan bog'liq kozmofoto-geologik axborotdan keng foydalanilmagan. Shuning uchun KC ni batafsil o‘rganish va ularning zilzilalar bilan aloqasi zarur edi. Hududlarning geologik-tektonik tuzilishi turli geologik-geofizik usullar bilan o‘rganilmoqda. Yaqinda yer qobig‘ining tuzilishi va geodinamikasini o‘rganish amaliyotida masofaviy usul joriy etildi.
The relevance of the topic is determined by the development of the spatial distribution of earthquake foci in different morphogenetic types of concentric structures (CS) and due to the need to study the structure of the Earth's crust and upper mantle in Uzbekistan. Our republic is one of the highly seismic regions of Central Asia, characterized by a complex geological and tectonic structure.
So far, seismicity and seismic activity of Uzbekistan have been studied using geological-geomorphological, geophysical and seismological methods. Based on the obtained geological and geophysical results, seismic zoning and forecasting of earthquake sites have been carried out. At the same time, the links between earthquake centers with concentric structures (CS) and their geodynamic characteristics were not considered. Cosmo-photo-geological information for identification of lineaments and concentric structures, their analysis, connection with seismic activity of Uzbekistan territory was not widely used. Therefore, there appeared a need for more detailed study of CSs and their connection with seismic activity. The geological and tectonic structure of regions is studied by various geological and geophysical methods. Recently, a remote method has been introduced into the practice of studying the structure and geodynamics of the Earth's crust.
Актуальность темы определяется разработкой пространственного распределения очагов землетрясений в различных морфогенетических типах концентрических структур (КС) и обусловлена необходимостью изучения строения земной коры и верхней мантии на территории Узбекистана. Наша республика находится в одном из высокосейсмичных регионов Средней Азии, характеризующгося сложным геолого-тектоническим строением.
До настоящего времени сейсмичность, и сейсмическая активность территории Узбекистана изучались с использованием геолого-геоморфологических, геофизических и сейсмологических методов. На основе полученных геолого-геофизических результатов выполнялись сейсмическое районирование и прогноз мест землетрясений. При этом связи очагов землетрясений с концентрическими структурами (КС) и геодинамические характеристики последних не рассматривались. Космофото-геологическая информация для выявления линеаментов и концентрических структур, их анализа, связи с сейсмической активностью территории Узбекистана широко не использовалась. Поэтому возникла необходимость более детального изучения КС и их связи с сейсмичностью. Геолого-тектоническое строение регионов изучается различными геолого-геофизическими методами. В последнее время в практику изучения строения и геодинамики земной коры внедряется дистанционный метод.
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