Numerous countries have set the target to increase the volume of renewable energy resources (RES) penetration into their whole energy balance. Even though RES bring lots of advantages in terms of natural resources saving and clean energy transformation, increasing of interconnected RES capacity causes many technical issues, so it needs suffi ciently rigorous technical evaluation to identify and eliminate possibility of system negative impacts. This paper provides an overview of existing standards regarding grid interface and connection requirements of the photovoltaic (PV) systems in distribution voltage level. Recommendations for scaling up of integrated to grid utility PV systems for Uzbekistan are also given.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 31-10-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 180
  • Nashr sanasi 30-06-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar43-48
Kalit so'z

Numerous countries have set the target to increase the volume of renewable energy resources (RES) penetration into their whole energy balance. Even though RES bring lots of advantages in terms of natural resources saving and clean energy transformation, increasing of interconnected RES capacity causes many technical issues, so it needs suffi ciently rigorous technical evaluation to identify and eliminate possibility of system negative impacts. This paper provides an overview of existing standards regarding grid interface and connection requirements of the photovoltaic (PV) systems in distribution voltage level. Recommendations for scaling up of integrated to grid utility PV systems for Uzbekistan are also given.

Kalit so'z

Ряд стран наметили цель увеличения доли возобновляемых источников энергии(ВИЭ) в общем энергобалансе страны. Хотя ВИЭ имеют множество преимуществ с точки зрения ресурсосбережения и трансформации к чистой энергетике, рост присоединенной мощности сопряжен с множеством технических аспектов и поэтому нуждается в достаточно строгой технической оценке для определения и исключения возможных негативных сетевых воздействий. Данная статья посвящена обзору существующих стандартов Международной электротехнической комиссии относительно конфигурации сетей и требований к подключению фотоэлектрических станций (ФЭС) на распределительном уровне. Также в работе приведены рекомендации для масштабирования количества интегрированных ФЭС в Узбекистане.

Kalit so'z
Havola nomi
1 1) N. A. Matchanov, U.A.Avlokulov. The development of projects of national standards for solar energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan//Applied Solar Energy, 2016, Volume 52, Issue 2, pp 159–160.
2 2) IEC 61727:2004, Photovoltaic (PV) System –Characteristics of the Utility Interface.
3 3) IEC/IEEE PAS 63547:2011, IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems.
4 4) IEC 62786:2017, Distributed Energy Resources Interconnection with the Grid.
5 5) IEC/TS 62786-2(8/1482/NP, 2018-01-17) - Distributed energy resources connection with the grid – Part 2 Additional requirements for PV generation.
6 6) IEC/TS 62786-3(8/1483/NP, 2018-01-17) - Distributed energy resources connection with the grid – Part 3 Additional requirements for Stationary Battery Energy Storage System.
7 7) IEC TS 62910:2015, Test procedure of Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) measurements for utility interconnected photovoltaic inverter
8 8) IEC 62920:2017, EMC requirements and test methods for power conversion equipment applying to photovoltaic power.