The results of the research are presented influence shape of the nozzle section to surface cleaning of the photoelectric battery (FEB) from pollution. Pollution is sandy with a mass of 100 g, crushed in a porcelain mortar; it was a mixture of SiO2 with oxides of Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO и CaO. The FEB was oriented perpendicular to solar radiation, the intensity of solar radiation; the current-voltage characteristic of clean, “dirty” battery and the battery after cleaning were measured. The speed of the air jet was measured by an anemometer immediately in front of the nozzle. Speed of the air was 12,6 m/s on round-shaped nozzle. Speed of the air was 24,0 m/s on rectangular nozzle. After cleaning the FEB surface with round-shaped-nozzle, its maximum power was differed 5,4% from the initial one. When cleaning the surface of the FEB using a rectangular nozzle, the loss of maximum power compared to the initial value was 3,0%.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 06-08-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 356
  • Nashr sanasi 19-05-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar123-129

50 Vt quvvatli fotoelektrik batareyaning (FEB) yuzasini ifloslanishdan tozalashning samaradorligiga sopla kesim shaklining ta'sirini tadqiq etish natijalari keltirilgan. Ifloslanish - bu Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO va CaO oksidli SiO2 aralashmasidan tashkil topgan chinni ohakda maydalangan 100 g ogirlikdagi qumli qumoqdan iborat. FEB quyosh nurlanishiga perpendikulyar orientatsiyalash orqali quyosh nurlanishi intensivligi va “ifloslangan” batareya va uni tozalashdan song voltamper xarakteristikasi olchandi.Havo oqimining tezligi bevosita soplo old tomonidan olchandi. Aylana shakldagi soploning old tomonida havo oqimining tezligi ~12,6 m/s. Togri to'rtburchak shakldagi soploning old tomonida havoning tezligi ~24,0 m/s.FEB yuzasini aylana shakldagi soplo yordamida tozalashdan song uning maksimal quvvati boshlangich qiymatga nisbatan 5,4% ga ortdi. Togri tortburchak shakldagi soplo yordamida FEB yuzasi ifloslanishdan tozalanganda boshlangich kattalikga nisbatan  maksimal quvvat  yoqotilishi 3,0 % ni tashkil etdi.

Kalit so'z

The results of the research are presented influence shape of the nozzle section to surface cleaning of the photoelectric battery (FEB) from pollution. Pollution is sandy with a mass of 100 g, crushed in a porcelain mortar; it was a mixture of SiO2 with oxides of Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO и CaO. The FEB was oriented perpendicular to solar radiation, the intensity of solar radiation; the current-voltage characteristic of clean, “dirty” battery and the battery after cleaning were measured. The speed of the air jet was measured by an anemometer immediately in front of the nozzle. Speed of the air was 12,6 m/s on round-shaped nozzle. Speed of the air was 24,0 m/s on rectangular nozzle. After cleaning the FEB surface with round-shaped-nozzle, its maximum power was differed 5,4% from the initial one. When cleaning the surface of the FEB using a rectangular nozzle, the loss of maximum power compared to the initial value was 3,0%.


Приводятся результаты исследования влияния формы сечения сопла на эффективность очистки поверхности фотоэлектрической батареи (ФЭБ) на 50 Вт от загрязнения. Загрязнение – супесь  массой 100 г, измельченная в фарфоровой ступке, представляла собой смесь SiO2 c окислами Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO и CaO. ФЭБ ориентировали перпендикулярно солнечному излучению, измеряли интенсивность солнечного излучения, вольтамперную характеристику чистой, «грязной» батареи и батареи после очистки. Скорость струи воздуха измеряли анемометром непосредственно перед соплом. Сопло круглой формы  –   скорость воздуха ~ 12,6 м/с. Сопло прямоугольной формы – скорость воздуха ~ 24,0 м/с. После очистки поверхности ФЭБ с помощью сопла круглой формы ее максимальная мощность отличалась от первоначальной на 5,4 %. При очистке поверхности ФЭБ с помощью сопла прямоугольной формы потери максимальной мощности по сравнению с первоначальным значением уменьшились на 3,0 %.


Kalit so'z
Havola nomi
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