With the help of this article we will discuss the mathematical formula and basic terms specific to engineering practitioners. Mathematics can solve a given problem quickly and easily in the form of a definition, even if it is used as an integral or matrix. In this article, it can be tried to apply the advanced portion of the mathematics matrix to the generation of electricity, i.e.by adding various additions and notes to the given circuit diagram, we can identify the current matrix.Several physical bodies, such as conical cushioning objects, were used to calculate the kinetic energy produced by rotating axes and to provide precise integrative methods for determining fluid distribution in power plant construction.When addressing various parts of mathematics, such as mechanics, physics and engineering, integrative calculus is called continuously of mathematics. The reasons for integrating the integrated kangi into practice are, first, the opposite of integral differentiation, and second, integral cohesion coefficient and threshold.This article mainly illustrates the ways in which problems can be solved in a very comprehensive way.
Ushbu maqola yordamida matematik formula va asosiy terminlarni texnika sohalaridagi tadbiqlarini ko‘rib chiqishimiz mumkin. Matematikaning aynan integral yoki matritsa, determinant tushunchalaridan o‘z o‘rnida foydalanilgan holda qo‘yilgan masalani oson va tez aniqlikda yechishimiz mumkin. Ushbu maqolada oliy matematikaning matritsa bo‘limini energatikaga tatbig‘ini ko‘rishimiz mumkin, ya’ni berilgan elektr sxemada turli qo‘shimcha va belgilashlar kirgizgan holda sxemadagi tok kuchlarin matritsalarning amallari orqali aniqlashimiz mumkin. Shu bilan bir qatorda fizik jismning ya’ni konussimon shakildagi buyumning o‘z o‘qi atrofida aylanishidan hosil bo‘lgan kinetic energiyasini hisoblash va elektrstansiyalarida to‘g‘onlar qurishda suyuqlikni bosimini aniqlashga doir masalalarni aniq integral yordamida yechishning usullarini tipik masala orqali berilgan. Integral hisob matematikaning turli bo‘limlarini, shuningdek mexanika, fizika va ko‘plab muhandislik masalalarini yechishda matematikaning o‘rni cheksiz hisoblanadi. Integralni keng tatbiqqa egaligining sabablari, birinchidan, integrallash differensiyalashga teskari jarayon ekanligi bo‘lsa, ikkinchidan, aniq integral yig‘indi tuzish va limitga o‘tish jarayonidan iborat ekanligidir
Ushbu maqolada asosan masalalarni qay tarzda yechish usullari ham to‘laligicha yoritib misollar orqali berilgan.
With the help of this article we will discuss the mathematical formula and basic terms specific to engineering practitioners. Mathematics can solve a given problem quickly and easily in the form of a definition, even if it is used as an integral or matrix. In this article, it can be tried to apply the advanced portion of the mathematics matrix to the generation of electricity, i.e.by adding various additions and notes to the given circuit diagram, we can identify the current matrix.Several physical bodies, such as conical cushioning objects, were used to calculate the kinetic energy produced by rotating axes and to provide precise integrative methods for determining fluid distribution in power plant construction.When addressing various parts of mathematics, such as mechanics, physics and engineering, integrative calculus is called continuously of mathematics. The reasons for integrating the integrated kangi into practice are, first, the opposite of integral differentiation, and second, integral cohesion coefficient and threshold.This article mainly illustrates the ways in which problems can be solved in a very comprehensive way.
В статье рассматривается математическая формула и базовые термины, характерные для практики движков. С помощью математики можно легко решить данную проблему, представив её в форме определения даже если она используется в виде интеграла или матрицы. Показано применение расширенной части математической матрицы для генерации электричества, то есть, добавив различные дополнения и примечания к данной принципиальной схеме, можно идентифицировать текущую матрицу. Несколько физических тел, таких как конические амортизирующие объекты использовались для расчета кинетической энергии, создаваемой вращающимися осями, и для обеспечения точных интегральных методов определения распределения жидкости при строительстве электростанции. При рассмотрении различных составляющих вычислительного аппарата, таких как механика, физика и инженерия, интегративное исчисление их часто называютматематикой. Причины интеграции интегрированного канги в практику, во-первых, противоположны интегральному дифференцированию, а во-вторых, представляют интегральный коэффициент сцепления и порог. Иллюстрируются способы, которыми проблемы эффективно могут быть решены .
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