The article deals with the improvement of the performance of diesel engines by improving the cooling system. It is indicated that there is a number of problems that arise when converting an engine with spark ignition to natural gas. The increase of thermal stress of the engine is illustrated. As a result of researching of features of the parameters and characteristics of a gas-powered automobile engine and optimization of its temperature regime, a very actual scientific and practical task is determined. The engine with the spark ignition installed on the microbus working on the diesel and gas is presented. The results of the spark-ignition engine research on gaseous fuel are presented. The following recommendations are given: to analyze the design features of gas engines; analyze the principles of operation of modern engine cooling systems; to conduct a theoretical study of the engine cooling system of gas buses and minibuses, which would allow to identify the causes leading to an increase in the thermal stress of engine parts when converted to gas fuel, which consists in the specificity and features of the working process; suggest ways to improve the cooling system of gas engines; to develop and propose options for improving the cooling system of gas engines, which will reduce the cooling temperature from 120 to 90 °C.


  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 13-08-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 334
  • Nashr sanasi 20-05-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar172-177

Maqolada sovitish tizimini takomillashtirish orqali dizellarning ekspluatatsion koʻrsatkichlarini yaxshilash masalalari koʻrib chiqilgan. Uchqundan oʻt oldiriladigan dvigatellarni tabiiy gazda ishlash uchun oʻtkazilganda bir qator muammolar kelib chiqishi koʻrsatilgan. Dvigatelning issiqlikdan yuklanganligi ortishi koʻrsatilgan. Natijada, gazda ishlovchi avtomobil dvigatelining xarakteristikalari va koʻrsatkichlarini oʻziga xosligini oʻrganish, shuningdek harorat rejimlarini optimallashtirish juda muhim boʻlgan ilmiy-amaliy vazifa ekanligi aniqlandi. Maqolada mikroavtobusga oʻrnatilgan dizel va gazda ishlovchi uchqundan oʻt oldiriladigan dvigatel oʻrganib chiqilgan. Shuningdek, maqolada gazsimon yonilgʻida ishlovchi uchqundan oʻt oldiriluvchi dvigatelning tadqiqot natijalari ham keltirilgan. Gazli dvigatellarning konstruktiv xususiyatlarini tahlil qilish; zamonaviy dvigatellarning sovitish tizimlarini tahlil qilish; gazli avtobuslar va mikroavtobuslar dvigatellarining sovitish tizimlarini nazariy tadqiqot qilish, bu gazsimon yonilgʻiga oʻtkazilganda dvigatel detallarining issiqlikdan kuchlanganligini oshirishga olib keluvchi sabablarni aniqlash imkonini beradi, bu esa ishchi jarayon ketishining oʻziga xos xususiyatlaridan kelib chiqadi; gazli dvigatellar sovitish tizimini takomillashtirish boʻyicha takliflar berish; sovitish haroratini 120  dan 90 °S gacha kamaytirish imkonini beradigan gazli dvigatellar sovitish tizimini takomillashtirish boʻyicha takliflar variantlarini ishlab chiqish va taklif etish boʻyicha tavsiyalar berilgan.

Kalit so'z

The article deals with the improvement of the performance of diesel engines by improving the cooling system. It is indicated that there is a number of problems that arise when converting an engine with spark ignition to natural gas. The increase of thermal stress of the engine is illustrated. As a result of researching of features of the parameters and characteristics of a gas-powered automobile engine and optimization of its temperature regime, a very actual scientific and practical task is determined. The engine with the spark ignition installed on the microbus working on the diesel and gas is presented. The results of the spark-ignition engine research on gaseous fuel are presented. The following recommendations are given: to analyze the design features of gas engines; analyze the principles of operation of modern engine cooling systems; to conduct a theoretical study of the engine cooling system of gas buses and minibuses, which would allow to identify the causes leading to an increase in the thermal stress of engine parts when converted to gas fuel, which consists in the specificity and features of the working process; suggest ways to improve the cooling system of gas engines; to develop and propose options for improving the cooling system of gas engines, which will reduce the cooling temperature from 120 to 90 °C.



В статье рассматривается улучшение эксплуатационных показателей дизелей путем совершенствования системы охлаждения. Показано, что имеются ряд проблем, которые возникают при переводе двигателя с искровым зажиганием на питание природным газом. Показано повышение тепловой напряженности двигателя. В результате изучения особенностей показателей и характеристик газового автомобильного двигателя и оптимизации его температурного режима решена весьма актуальная научно-практическая задача. Представлен разработанный двигатель с искровым зажиганием, установленный на микроавтобусе, работающий на дизеле и газе. Приведены результаты исследования двигателя с искровым зажиганием при работе на газообразном топливе. Даны следующие рекомендации: произвести анализ конструктивных особенностей газовых двигателей; проанализировать принципы работы современных систем охлаждения двигателя; провести теоретическое исследование системы охлаждения двигателей газовых автобусов и микроавтобусов, которые позволили бы выявить причины, приводящие к повышению тепловой напряженности деталей двигателя при переводе на газовое топливо, заключающееся в специфике и особенностях протекания рабочего процесса; предложить способы  усовершенствования системы охлаждения газовых двигателей; разработать и предложить варианты по усовершенствованию системы охлаждения газовых двигателей, которые позволят уменьшить температуру охлаждения от 120 до 90 °С.

Kalit so'z
Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Daminov O.O. доцент TDTU
2 Kucharenok G.M. professor Двигатели внутреннего сгорания» БНТУ
3 Khushnaev O.A. katta o'qituvchi TDTU
4 Yangibaev A.N. AssiSTENT TDTU
Havola nomi
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