The article discusses the results of scientific research on the morphology and dimension of ultrafine tungsten powders by the crystal-optical method of sprinkling obtained by the plasma-chemical method using a PUV-300 hydrogen-plasma reduction unit.

Analysis of the research results showed that the method for producing tungsten powders affects the shape and size, as well as the particle size distribution of the powders.

The results of X-ray microanalysis show that in the production of the hard alloy from which the investigated roller for rolling metal was made, there were significant deviations from the manufacturing technology of such products. This is reflected in the fact that the composition of the micropowder of the hard alloy was heterogeneous. This is evidenced by the presence in the composition of the powder of such elements as sulfur, molybdenum, aluminum and calcium. These elements were included in the composition of the powder due to deficiencies in the enrichment of raw materials.


  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 13-08-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 277
  • Nashr sanasi 20-05-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar178-186

Maqolada PUV-300 vodorod-plazmaviy tiklash qurilmasida plazmakimyoviy usul bilan olingan volframning  ultradispers kukunlarini morfologiyasi va olchamlarini kristalloptik usul bilan organishning ilmiy-tadqiqot natijalari korib chiqilgan.

Tadqiqot taqlili natijalari volfram kukunlarini olish usuli kukunlarning shakli va olchamlariga, shuningdek kukunlarning granulometrik tarkibigi ta'sir qilishini ko'rsatdi..

Rentgenospektral  mikroanaliz shuni korsatadiki, metallni prokatlashda ishlatiladigan qattiq qotishmadan ishlab chiqarilgan  rolik, tadqiq qilinganda, bunday buyumlarni ishlab chiqarish tehnologiyalarida sezilarli chetlanishlarga yol qoyilgan. Bu shu bilan ochiqlanadiki qattiq  qotishmaning mikrokukunlari bir xil bolmagan. Bu kukunning tarkibida oltingugurt, molibden, alyuminiy va kalciy kabi elementlar mavjudligidan guvohlik beradi. Bu elementlar xomashyoni boyitishdagi kamchiliklar tufayli kukun tarkibiga kirib qolgan.


Kalit so'z

The article discusses the results of scientific research on the morphology and dimension of ultrafine tungsten powders by the crystal-optical method of sprinkling obtained by the plasma-chemical method using a PUV-300 hydrogen-plasma reduction unit.

Analysis of the research results showed that the method for producing tungsten powders affects the shape and size, as well as the particle size distribution of the powders.

The results of X-ray microanalysis show that in the production of the hard alloy from which the investigated roller for rolling metal was made, there were significant deviations from the manufacturing technology of such products. This is reflected in the fact that the composition of the micropowder of the hard alloy was heterogeneous. This is evidenced by the presence in the composition of the powder of such elements as sulfur, molybdenum, aluminum and calcium. These elements were included in the composition of the powder due to deficiencies in the enrichment of raw materials.



В статье рассматриваются результаты научно-исследователских работ по изучению морфологии и размерности ультрадисперсных порошков вольфрама кристаллооптическим методом рассыпки, полученной плазмохимическим методом на установке водородно-плазменного восстановления ПУВ–300.

Анализ результатов исследования показал, что способ получения порошков вольфрама влияет на форму и размеры, а также гранулометрический состав порошков.

Результаты рентгеноспектрального микроанализа убеждают в том, что при производстве твердого сплава, из которого изготовлен исследуемый  ролик для прокатки металла, были допущены существенные отклонения от технологии изготовления таких изделий. Это выражается в отклонении состава микропорошка твердого сплава от однородности. Об этом свидетельствует наличие в составе порошка таких элементов, как сера, молибден, алюминий и кальций. Эти элементы попали в состав порошка из-за недостатков технологического процесса обогащения сырья.

Kalit so'z
Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Nurmurodov S.D. Professor TDTU
2 Rasulov A.K. PhD TDTU
3 Allanazarov A.A. Scientific researcher TDTU
4 Pardaev T.U. bachelor TDTU
Havola nomi
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