The article critically analyzes traditional methods of forming drops of defoliants and liquid chemicals. As an object of study, a sprayer with a perforated turbulator was selected, which ensures the formation of fine droplets on a short spraying torch. The degree of crushing of the working fluid, design parameters and operating modes of the proposed sprayer are investigated. Based on theoretical studies, analytical dependencies that reveal the physical properties of the sprayed liquid are analyzed, a description of the device and the principle of operation of the sprayer equipped with a perforated turbulator is given. The above analytical dependencies allowed more purposefully improving the design of the proposed atomizer.


  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 13-08-2020
  • O'qishlar soni 278
  • Nashr sanasi 20-05-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar186-192

Maqolada defoliantlar va suyuq  kimiyoviy vositalar tomchilarini shakllantirishning an'anaviy usullari tanqidiy tahlil qilingan. Tadqiqot obyekti sifatida qisqa oqim fakeliga ega yuqor idispersli tomchilarni shakllantirilishini ta'minlaydigan galvirli-turbulizatorli tozitkich tanlangan. Ishchi suyuqlikning parchalanish darajasi, taklif qilinayotgan tozitkichning konstruktiv parametrlari va ish rejimlari tadqiq qilingan. Nazariy tadqiqotlar asosida parchalanayotgan ishchi  suyuqlikning fizik xossalarini ochib beruvchi analitik boglanishlar tahlil qilingan, galvirli-turbulizatorli tozitkich qurilmasining ishlash printsip tamoyili berilgan. Keltirilgan analitik boglanishlar taklif etilayotgan tozitkich konstruksiyasini maqsadli takomillashtirishga imkon berdi.


Kalit so'z

The article critically analyzes traditional methods of forming drops of defoliants and liquid chemicals. As an object of study, a sprayer with a perforated turbulator was selected, which ensures the formation of fine droplets on a short spraying torch. The degree of crushing of the working fluid, design parameters and operating modes of the proposed sprayer are investigated. Based on theoretical studies, analytical dependencies that reveal the physical properties of the sprayed liquid are analyzed, a description of the device and the principle of operation of the sprayer equipped with a perforated turbulator is given. The above analytical dependencies allowed more purposefully improving the design of the proposed atomizer.



В статье критически проанализированы традиционные способы формирования капель дефолиантов и жидких химических средств. В качестве объекта исследования выбран распылитель с перфорированным турбулизатором, обеспечивающий формирование высокодисперсных капель на коротком факеле распыливания. Представлены степень дробления рабочей жидкости, конструктивные параметры и режимы работы предлагаемого распылителя. На основе теоретических исследований проанализированы аналитические зависимости, раскрывающие физические свойства распыляемой жидкости, дается описание устройства и принципа работы распылителя, оснащенного перфорированным турбулизатором. Приведенные аналитические зависимости позволили более целенаправленно усовершенствовать конструкцию предлагаемого распылителя.

Kalit so'z
Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Abdazimov A.D. Professor TDTU
2 Irisov K.D. assistant TDTU
3 Ashirbekov I.A. professor TDTU
4 Kartoshkin A.P. Professor Petersburg State Agrarian University, Russian Federation.
Havola nomi
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