In the field of entrepreneurship, which is closely linked with the development of a market economy, it is especially important to increase the efficiency of land use and further deepen land reform in general. During the period of implementation of land reforms and its successful continuation, there have been major positive changes in the system of land valuationIn the field of entrepreneurship, which is closely linked with the development of a market economy, it is especially important to increase the efficiency of land use and further deepen land reform in general. During the period of implementation of land reforms and its successful continuation, there have been major positive changes in the system of land valuation
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Xakimova R.. | катта ўқитувчи | ТАЙЛҚЭИ |
2 | Usmonova D.. | катта ўқитувчи | ТАЙЛҚЭИ |
3 | Kazakbayeva M.. | стажёр ўқитувчи | ТАЙЛҚЭИ |
4 | Muslimova P.. | ассистент | ТАЙЛҚЭИ |
5 | Abduraxmanova D.. | талаба | ТАЙЛҚЭИ |
№ | Havola nomi |
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2 | 2. Ўзбекистон Республикаси қишлоқ хўжалиги ерларини сифатли, иқтисодий ва қиймат баҳолашнинг муваққат услуби. Т., Ер ресурслари давлат қўмитаси, 2002 й. |
3 | 3. А.Р. Бабажанов, Қ.Р. Рахмонов, А.Ж.Ғофиров. Ер кадастри. Дарслик, Т., ТИМИ, 2010 й. |