Nowadays, areas undergoing degradation are growing in agriculture around the world. The condition of the land is deteriorating due to water erosion by 56%, wind erosion by 28%, due to a decrease in mineral elements in the soil, salinity, pollution by 12% and due to compaction, waterlogging, and under the influence of deposition processes by 4%. Because of such negative processes and because of the existing problems of water scarcity in 80 countries each year, as a result of the suspension of the use of agriculture in the sown fields in the world, the problem of food security arises.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Murodov R.. | доцент | ТИИИМСХ |
2 | Barnayeva M.. | ассистент | Бухарский филиал ТИИИМСХ |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | 1.Мухамеджанов М.В., Сулейманов С.М. Корневая система и урожайность хлопчатника. — Ташкент: Узбекистан, 1978. — 330 с. |
2 | 2.Абуталиев Ф.Б., Баклушин М.Б., Ёрбеков Я.С., Умаров У.У. Эффективные приближенно-аналитические методы для решения задач теории фильтрации. — Ташкент: ФАН, 1978. — 244 с. |