The impressive progress in the fabrication of low-dimensional semiconductor
structures during the past two decades has made it possible to reduce the effective device dimension
from three-dimensional bulk materials, to quasi-two dimensional quantum well systems, to quasi-
one dimensional quantum wires, and even to quasi-zero dimensional quantum dots. In this article
we discussed about wavefunction in these structures.
The impressive progress in the fabrication of low-dimensional semiconductor
structures during the past two decades has made it possible to reduce the effective device dimension
from three-dimensional bulk materials, to quasi-two dimensional quantum well systems, to quasi-
one dimensional quantum wires, and even to quasi-zero dimensional quantum dots. In this article
we discussed about wavefunction in these structures.
Впечатляющий прогресс в изготовлении низкоразмерных
полупроводниковых структур за последние два десятилетия позволил снизить
эффективный размер устройства от трехмерных объемных материалов до
квазидвумерных систем квантовых ям, до квазиодномерных квантовых проводов, и даже до
квазиодномерных квантовых точек. В этой статье мы обсуждаем о волновой функции в
этих структурах.
Oxirgi 20 yilda pasto’lchamli yarimo’tkazgichli strukturalarni tayyorlash
keskin rivojlanishi qurilmalarning kattaligini uch o’lchamli hajmiy yarim o’tkazgichlardan
kvaziikki o’lchamli, kvant o’ralarga, kvazibir o’lchamli kvant iplarga, hattoki, kvazibir o’lchamli
kvant nuqtalargacha tushirishga imkon berdi. Biz ushbu maqolada yuqorida keltirilgan
strukturalarning to’lqin funksiyalarini muhokama qilamiz.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Akhmedov B.. | ||
2 | Rozikov J.. | ||
3 | Muminov I.. | ||
4 | Ruziboev V.. |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | G.Bastard. Wave Mechanics Applied to Semiconductor Heterostructures. Halsted Press, 1988 |
2 | M.Levinshtein, S.Rumyantsev and M.Shur. Handbook Series on Semiconductor Parameters, vol. 1. World Scientific, 1996 |
3 | R.Loudon. The quantum theory of light, second edition ed., 1983 |