In this article, basic activities of teaching pragmatics of complaining and its steps
and strategies as well are given in order to make L2 learners be aware of using the language
appropriately. It is also provided with examples and some exercises which can be useful in teaching
pragmatics of complaint.
In this article, basic activities of teaching pragmatics of complaining and its steps
and strategies as well are given in order to make L2 learners be aware of using the language
appropriately. It is also provided with examples and some exercises which can be useful in teaching
pragmatics of complaint.
В этой стaтье приведены основные действия по обучению прaгмaтике
жaлоб, a тaкже ее шaгaм и стрaтегиям, чтобы учaщиеся, изучaющие второй язык, знaли,
кaк прaвильно использовaть язык. Это тaкже обеспечено примерaми и некоторыми
упрaжнениями, которые могут быть полезными в обучении.
Ushbu maqolada ingliz tilini ikkinchi til sifatida o`rganuvchilarda shikoyat
qilishning qabul qilingan pragmatik kompetensiyalarini rivojlantirish masalari va ularga doir
mashqlar berilgan. Shuningdek, maqolada nutq jarayonida shikoyat qilishning samarali usullari
ham keltirilgan. Suhbat davomida shikoyat qilishning pragmatik jihatdan mos bo`lgan
strategiyalari misollar bilan boyitilgan
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№ | Havola nomi |
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2 | Amanda Hilliard. 2017 “Twelve activities for teaching the Pragmatics of Complaining to L2 learners”. |
3 | Eslami- Rasekh, Z. 2005. Raising the pragmatic awareness of language learners. ELT Journal 59 (3): 199-200 |