Recycling of techno genic waste accumulated in recent years in Uzbekistan is currently a pressing problem. In this regard, this paper examines the issue of studying the process of enrichment of man-made waste in a cyclone with a fluidized bed. To conduct the experiment on experimental advanced devices with extended zones five types of samples of techno genic waste with the limits of 0.072÷0.078mm, 0.064÷0.070mm, 0.057÷0.063mm, 0.046÷0.055mm and 0.041÷0.044mm have been prepared. Nomograms have been obtained using mathematical models to determine particle size limits, which ensure good separation. Experiments have been carried out on the separation of techno genic waste in three structures of a cyclone with a fluidized bed: cylindrical, cylindrical with one extended zone and cylindrical with two extended zones. The best results are obtained in a fluidized bed machine with one extended zone. The following results were obtained for a sample with a 0.041÷0.044 mm limit size: the number of Mo increased 40 times, Ag increased 20 times, Mn increased 2.5 times, Cu increased 1 time, Ti increased 6.6 times, Ni decreased 125 times and the number of Si in the selected sample decreased from 20% to 12%.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 15-02-2021
  • O'qishlar soni 273
  • Nashr sanasi 26-10-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar130-139

Recycling of techno genic waste accumulated in recent years in Uzbekistan is currently a pressing problem. In this regard, this paper examines the issue of studying the process of enrichment of man-made waste in a cyclone with a fluidized bed. To conduct the experiment on experimental advanced devices with extended zones five types of samples of techno genic waste with the limits of 0.072÷0.078mm, 0.064÷0.070mm, 0.057÷0.063mm, 0.046÷0.055mm and 0.041÷0.044mm have been prepared. Nomograms have been obtained using mathematical models to determine particle size limits, which ensure good separation. Experiments have been carried out on the separation of techno genic waste in three structures of a cyclone with a fluidized bed: cylindrical, cylindrical with one extended zone and cylindrical with two extended zones. The best results are obtained in a fluidized bed machine with one extended zone. The following results were obtained for a sample with a 0.041÷0.044 mm limit size: the number of Mo increased 40 times, Ag increased 20 times, Mn increased 2.5 times, Cu increased 1 time, Ti increased 6.6 times, Ni decreased 125 times and the number of Si in the selected sample decreased from 20% to 12%.

Havola nomi
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