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  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 22-02-2021
  • O'qishlar soni 285
  • Nashr sanasi 26-10-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar192-199
Kalit so'z

The current state of the problem of developing a mathematical model of protective coatings and the rationale of the study's intent and objectives are discussed in this article. Theoretical bases are also provided on the rheological properties of filled polymers. The key components of polymer mixtures influence the structure of hetero-composite materials and their properties. Modeling of the method of structural formation of hetero-composite mixtures according to the nature and quality of the filler and the number of formation structures. Research into the effect of mineral filler on the rheology of hetero-composite mixtures. Study of the influence on the properties of hetero-composite mixtures of the type and number of structure-forming modifications. Investigation of the operating properties of the filler type of hetero-composite materials. Collection of compositions and investigation of their properties for hetero-composite materials.

Havola nomi
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