One of the most important studies of modern mining problems is to find solutions to them even in complex geometric conditions in deep ore pits. Conducting open-pit mining operations in ultra-deep pits is associated with many difficulties. One of them is providing logistics for cargo turnover in a deep quarry. Ensuring continuous operation of the equipment and the correct choice of the technological scheme leads to the continuous performance of mining operations in deep pits. Considering the possibility of changing of the equipment parametres, to solve problems associated with the cargo flow of a mining enterprise in deep pits, as the volume of work performed on mining and opening increases due to increased productivity of the quarry. In addition, this contributes to the revision of existing equipment and technologies. In deep quarries that reach a depth of 600 m, the development of minerals and their transportation is one of the main tasks. When studying the development of mining operations in deep pits, there is a tendency to change the scheme of transporting rock mass. The main factors determining the development of quarry transport are systematically deteriorating mining and geological and mining engineering conditions. Maintaining the continuity of mining operations in the transport part can give the logistics management of the cargo flow of a deep quarry.
One of the most important studies of modern mining problems is to find solutions to them even in complex geometric conditions in deep ore pits. Conducting open-pit mining operations in ultra-deep pits is associated with many difficulties. One of them is providing logistics for cargo turnover in a deep quarry. Ensuring continuous operation of the equipment and the correct choice of the technological scheme leads to the continuous performance of mining operations in deep pits. Considering the possibility of changing of the equipment parametres, to solve problems associated with the cargo flow of a mining enterprise in deep pits, as the volume of work performed on mining and opening increases due to increased productivity of the quarry. In addition, this contributes to the revision of existing equipment and technologies. In deep quarries that reach a depth of 600 m, the development of minerals and their transportation is one of the main tasks. When studying the development of mining operations in deep pits, there is a tendency to change the scheme of transporting rock mass. The main factors determining the development of quarry transport are systematically deteriorating mining and geological and mining engineering conditions. Maintaining the continuity of mining operations in the transport part can give the logistics management of the cargo flow of a deep quarry.
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