The article is devoted to the study of the rotation kinematics of a semi-mounted cotton harvester of the MX (XM) series, in particular, the four-row MX-2.4, with rear guide wheels in order to determine the size of the headland and to find a rational scheme for rotation(turning) the unit and driving onto new rows when implementing the proposed new improved "fractional" technology for machine harvesting of raw cotton. The methodology and results of the theoretical studies by modeling the kinematics of a turn by 1800 semi-mounted on a tractor and self-propelled cotton harvesting units. Their analysis unambiguously showed that the parameters of the position of the rear idler wheels significantly affect the trajectory of the cotton picker. Technical solutions are proposed to increase the maneuverability and accuracy of the direction of movement of the machine on the rows of cotton.
The article is devoted to the study of the rotation kinematics of a semi-mounted cotton harvester of the MX (XM) series, in particular, the four-row MX-2.4, with rear guide wheels in order to determine the size of the headland and to find a rational scheme for rotation(turning) the unit and driving onto new rows when implementing the proposed new improved "fractional" technology for machine harvesting of raw cotton. The methodology and results of the theoretical studies by modeling the kinematics of a turn by 1800 semi-mounted on a tractor and self-propelled cotton harvesting units. Their analysis unambiguously showed that the parameters of the position of the rear idler wheels significantly affect the trajectory of the cotton picker. Technical solutions are proposed to increase the maneuverability and accuracy of the direction of movement of the machine on the rows of cotton.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Abdazimov A.D. | Professor | TDTU |
2 | Sherkobilov S.M. | катта ўқитувчиси; | TDTU |
3 | Aripdjanov .. | муҳандиси; | Ўрозбоев номидаги Механика ва иншоотлар сейсмик мустаҳкамлиги институти |
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