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  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 13-07-2021
  • O'qishlar soni 328
  • Nashr sanasi 27-03-2021
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar12-28
Kalit so'z

The Republic of Bashkiria, Russia, is both an agricultural and crude producing region. Soil pollution and as the related process soil salinization are often caused by crude production. One of the most fertile soils - chernozems, represent more than a third of the soil cover of the Bashkortostan Republic. The research crucial task is to study chernozem salinization caused by petroleum pollution, it aims to research the chemism of soil salinization upon condition that crude oil and stratal waters flow into the soil simultaneously. The practical implementation of the proposed research is comprehension that we need to regulate the negative human impact on the soil.  The research results can give a rise to regulations drafting that control residual oil, petroleum and salts content in soil after the soil remediation. The purpose of the research is evaluation of oil-contaminated Bashkortostan ordinary chernozem chemical properties in a simulation experiment. The laboratory-scale experiment simulates Bashkortostan ordinary chernozem oil contamination and salinization; we achieved varying degrees of soil salinity (from non-saline to highly saline soil); the soil salinization chemism is neutral from sulfate in «clean» soil to chloride in highly saline soil. The research shows that with an increase of soil oil pollution from 0 to 1 g/kg, the salts content increases within one gradation of salinity, and with an increase in soil oil pollution up to 3 g/kg occurs the supposed decrease in the salts content, possibly due to the «sealing» of some of the ions inside the soil aggregates by oil. Significant differences were found for soil pollution with oil over 1 g/kg and soil salinity over 0.3%. Chlorine and sodium ions are distributed on a like-to-like basis. The sulfate content declines with soil salinity increase. This may be caused by sulfates predisposition to form a strong inner-sphere complexes with clay minerals of the soil.

Havola nomi
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