• Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 16-07-2021
  • O'qishlar soni 1156
  • Nashr sanasi 27-03-2021
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar122-129
Kalit so'z

Compressor stations ensure the movement of gas through the main gas pipeline. The compressor station increases the gas pressure by compressing it. Since the wellhead pressure always drops at the fields during the extraction of raw materials, there is an irregularity in energy consumption, therefore, there is a need for compressor stations. For that, the study of its design parameters is important task. The aim of the research is to study and analyze methods compressor parameter calculation.  The initial stage of designing industrial facilities is a Preliminary Front and Engineering Design (Pre-FEED). It is at the Pre-FEED stage that the economic efficiency, analysis and calculation of the technical and economic indicators of the investment project are studied. It is not difficult to understand that the Pre-FEED decides the further "life" of the project. Therefore, in our work, we studied the process of selecting equipment and calculating its parameters, which are determined at the Pre-FEED. In the course of the research, the types of a natural gas blower, the types of its drive, as well as their area of application have been studied. It is concluded that the centrifugal compressor has a wide range of applications for increasing natural gas pressure. The empirical method has been used in the calculation, as well as the method using the technological method modeling tool. As a result, the power and discharge temperature of the centrifugal compressor have been determined in three ways and analyzed, the methods used have also been compared. When choosing calculation methods, we studied the experience of using existing methods, and also conducted experiments with the technological process from the point of view of fundamental science. Firstly, we considered the experience of calculating the power and discharge temperature according to the requirements of the production organization, then with the use of a software product, and at the end we approached from the side of the   fundamental science laws. The results of each approach to the problem did not differ much from each other, but the characteristics of each method influenced the output result. We came to the conclusion that the use of a simulator makes it easier to solve problems, and also gives more detailed results. The possibilities of modeling Aspen HYSYS tools for technological processes in the oil and gas industry have been studied. The capability of Aspen HYSYS to work as a tool for determining the parameters of equipment is shown. The use of Aspen HYSYS makes it possible to solve one of the most important current issues - optimization.


Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Khabibullaev S.S. Dotsent TDTU
2 Saparaliyeva A.L. O'qituvchi TDTU
3 Jang H.T. O'qituvchi Hanseo University Chemical engineering department South Korea
Havola nomi
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