• Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 23-07-2021
  • O'qishlar soni 272
  • Nashr sanasi 27-03-2021
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar239-245
Kalit so'z

The article deals with the issues of sorting and storage of agricultural products using the spectral characteristics of optoelectronic measuring devices. The optoelectronic sorting methods are described in the paper. Shown is the merit of the method in solving production problems of sorting and control to ensure the quality indicators of vegetables. An experimental model of an optoelectronic sorting machine is also described. The parameters and technological process of tomato sorting are described and the principle of dividing tomato fruits into three fractions according to maturity, or rather, according to the color of their surface, is shown. New principles of automatic sorting of agricultural products according to their optical properties, which characterize the degree of maturity and other qualities of fruits of tomatoes and apples, potato tubers, and barren barks, have been proposed. The specified method and the corresponding sorting complexes are used for sorting agricultural crops, screening out low-quality or damaged fruits and vegetables (agricultural optical separators), as well as for sorting non-food products: solid household waste during their processing, enrichment of mineral raw materials, for solving highly specialized tasks. The use of these methods of control and accounting makes it possible to timely identify and eliminate all production shortcomings and thereby contribute to improving the quality and increasing the amount of agricultural products. The tasks are considered, allowing to obtain comparatively complete information about the operation of automatic control systems for technological objects. These methods can be used to process the results of observations of the state of dynamic objects. These include control and management systems for the storage and sorting of agricultural products.

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