• O'qishlar soni 714
  • Nashr sanasi 31-05-2021
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar28-29
Kalit so'z

Variety factor is one of the main factors ensuring high and quality yield of potatoes. Therefore, the selection of varieties, taking into account the biological characteristics of the varieties and soil-climatic conditions, ensures high and quality yields under certain conditions.

Kalit so'z
Havola nomi
1 1. Абдукаримов Д.Т., Остонакулов Т.Э. ва бошқалар. «Ўзбекистонда картошка селекциясига оид тавсиялар». Самарканд, 2005 йил. 34 бет.
2 2. Eshonkulov B. Ergashev I. Obloqulov F. “Potato production from True Potato Seed” Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift „European Applied Sciences” ISSN 2195-2183, № 4 2016
3 3. Эргашев И.Т.D. Normurodov. Effective way of potato ropagation “Potato and Vegetables” ISSN 0022-9148, , № 3 2016.
4 4. http://potato veg.ru/