• O'qishlar soni 246
  • Nashr sanasi 10-04-2021
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar66-68
Kalit so'z

In the article, the main processing of soil in autumn cultivation under the conditions of typical burlap soils exposed to irrigation erosion is carried out at a depth of 32-35 cm by contour method, the application of mineral fertilizer soil stratification in unwashed areas to N200P140K100 kg/ha, when strongly washed to N240P168K120 and the collected part of washed soil to N100P70K50 information on the fact that 0,03-0,02 g/cm3 the porosity increased by 2,8-3,6% and provided quality grain cultivation to 61,6; 60,5 and 62,3 t/ha respectively.

Kalit so'z
Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Mo'minova Z.. қ.-х.ф.н., доцент СамВМИ
2 Bozorov K.. қ.-х.ф.ф.д, (PhD) СамДУ
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