The article introduces the history of the origin of publishing and printing activities in the Turkestan Territory. It is preceded by information that before the formation of the first printing houses on the territory of the region, books were mainly distributed by calligraphers through rewriting. And since this work was of a long-term nature, accordingly the prices for the books were considerable.Comparing with the beginning of the introduction of the first technical means, the author notes that publishing and printing activities in the region began to gradually develop in the 60s of the XIX century. Until that time, books printed in lithographic format were mainly imported. The first printing house during the period of the Russian Empire opened in 1723 in Astrakhan. But in Tashkent only by the beginning of the XX century. there were 5 printing houses in the new part and two lithographs in the old town part.

  • O'qishlar soni 265
  • Nashr sanasi 30-06-2021
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar76-80

The article introduces the history of the origin of publishing and printing activities in the Turkestan Territory. It is preceded by information that before the formation of the first printing houses on the territory of the region, books were mainly distributed by calligraphers through rewriting. And since this work was of a long-term nature, accordingly the prices for the books were considerable.Comparing with the beginning of the introduction of the first technical means, the author notes that publishing and printing activities in the region began to gradually develop in the 60s of the XIX century. Until that time, books printed in lithographic format were mainly imported. The first printing house during the period of the Russian Empire opened in 1723 in Astrakhan. But in Tashkent only by the beginning of the XX century. there were 5 printing houses in the new part and two lithographs in the old town part.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 SHODMONOVA S.. профессори, Тошкент давлат шарқшунослик университети
Havola nomi
1 1. Абдулла Авлоний. Танланган асарлар. – Тошкент: Маънавият, 2006. – Б. 20, 21.
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