• O'qishlar soni 417
  • Nashr sanasi 24-05-2021
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar39-41
Kalit so'z

The article provides information on the effectiveness of the use of a combination of herbicides Englyphos 50 % w.s. and Entogard 50 % s.c. against annual and perennial weeds in cotton crops under conditions of typical serozem soils of the Tashkent region. The use of Entogard at a rate of 1.2 l/ha destroys annual weeds by 86.5-90.6%, perennial weeds by 13.3-19.0%. The use of Entoglyphos at a rate of 3.5 l/ha destroys annual weeds by 20.6-21.0%, perennial weeds by 87.5-92.4%. When was used Entoglyphos in the fall at rate (3,5 l/ha) then, Entogard(1,2 l/ha) was used with cotton’s seed in sowing time annual weeds was destroyed by 90,2-94,5 % as well as perennial weeds was destroyed too by 91,6-93,3 %. According to the experiment, When using Entoglyphos (3,5 l/ha)  and Entogard (1,2 l/ha) the cotton’s harvest was more (5,60 s/ha) than the control variants’ harvest. 

Kalit so'z
Havola nomi
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