Maqola oliy ta‟lim tizimida bo„lajak tasviriy san‟at o„qituvchisini kasbiy tayyorlashda “Antik” davr gips bosh haykali namunasini naturaga qarab tasvirlashning metodik bosqichlarda tasvirlashda shaklni kompozitsiyaviy joylashtirish, uning munosabatlari, o„zaro nisbatlari va boshning fazodagi holatini, konstruktiv asosini namayon etish va perspektiva ko„rinishlarini ochib berish, va talabalarning tasvirlash mahoratlarini shakllantirishga ыaratilgan
Maqola oliy ta‟lim tizimida bo„lajak tasviriy san‟at o„qituvchisini kasbiy tayyorlashda “Antik” davr gips bosh haykali namunasini naturaga qarab tasvirlashning metodik bosqichlarda tasvirlashda shaklni kompozitsiyaviy joylashtirish, uning munosabatlari, o„zaro nisbatlari va boshning fazodagi holatini, konstruktiv asosini namayon etish va perspektiva ko„rinishlarini ochib berish, va talabalarning tasvirlash mahoratlarini shakllantirishga ыaratilgan
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Baymetov B.B. | Tasviriy san‟at” kafedrasi professori | Toshkent viloyati Chirchiq davlat pedagogika institut |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | 1. Boltaboevich, B. B. (2020). Formation of the skills of portraying the future teacher of fine arts in pencil drawing. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 1122-1127 |
2 | 2. Baymetov, B. B., & Muratov, K. K. (2020). Self Sketches as a Tool in the Professional Training of a Future Artist-Teacher. Solid State Technology, 224-231. |
3 | 3. Байметов, Б. Б. (2016). История развития изобразительного искусства Узбекистана. Наука, образование и культура, (1 (4)) |
4 | 4. Baymetov, B. B., & Sharipjonov, M. S. O. (2020). Development Of Students‟ Descriptive Competencies In Pencil Drawing Practice. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 261-267 |
5 | 5. Boltabayevich, B. B., & Shodievna, B. O. (2020). Individual Approach To The Formation Of Artistic And Creative Talents Of Students In Art Schools. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 637-642. |
6 | 6. Boltabayevich, B. B, & Pardaboy, K. (2020). Scientific and theoretical aspects of the formation of compositional abilities of students in painting classes. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences Vol, 8(3). |
7 | 7. Байметов Ботир Болтабаевич. Актуальные вопросы подготовки педагогических кадров республике Узбекистан. Международный научный журнал «ВЕСТНИК НАУКИ» 2020/10. Том 1. 10 (31). Страницы 5-9 |
8 | 8. Boltaboevich, B. B., & Ogiloy, K. (2008). Master of historical portrait genre, a teacher who created a school in the field of fine arts people's artist of uzbekistan professor malik nabiev (1906-2008) |
9 | 9. Болтабаевич Ботир Байметов. San‟atshunoslik fakultyetlarida talabalarga qalamtasvir mashg„ulotlarini o„tishning nazariy asoslari. Материалы конференции Science and Education. 2020/5. Том 2. Номер No. 3. Страницы-406-409. |
10 | 10. Байметов Ботир Болтабоевич. Тасвирий санъатдан бўлажак рассомўқитувчиларни касбий тайёрлашда композиция фанининг назарияси ва методикаси. Science and education journal. 2020/4. Стр. 461-467 |
11 | 11. Байметов, Б. Б. (2020). Педагогика олий таълим муассасаларида талабаларга композиция фанини ўқитишнинг назарияси ва амалиёти. Science and Education, 1(7) |
12 | 12. Baymetov, B. B. (2020). Development Of The Ability To See And Represent The Form Remotely In The Process Of Teaching Students To Portray A Creature In Higher Pedagogical Education. The American Journal of Applied sciences, 2(10), 154-159 |
13 | 13. Botir Boltabaevich Baymetov. Development Of The Ability To See And Represent The Form Remotely In The Process Of Teaching Students To Portray A Creature In Higher Pedagogical Education. 2020/10 Журнал. The USA Journals. Том 2. Страницы- 154-159 |