This article is devoted to assessing the potential of oil and gas potential of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Chardjou tectonic stage of the Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region. The authors analyzed the actual data on the existing fields of this territory - Kuvachi-Alat, Garbi and Uchkyr, evaluated the characteristics of the productive horizons of already discovered hydrocarbon fields. Information is provided on the results of drilling at these fields, on productive horizons, and their lithological characteristics. Paleotectonic profiles have been constructed that characterize the nature of sedimentation, consistency or absence of any deposits. As a result of the research, the authors made several fundamental conclusions that need to be paid attention to when planning geological exploration, namely: to direct exploration research in the territory of the distribution of the Lower Cretaceous deposits, the main prospects are associated with the productive horizons of the Lower Cretaceous - XIV-1, XIV-2, XIV-3 requiring detailed study.

  • O'qishlar soni 343
  • Nashr sanasi 24-06-2022
  • Asosiy tilO'zbek
  • Sahifalar3-7

Ушбу мақола Бухоро-Хива нефтгазли минтақасининг Чорджўй тектоник поғонасидаги қуйи бўр ётқизиқларининг нефтгазга салоҳиятини баҳолашга қаратилган. Муллифлар ушбу ҳудуддаги мавжуд Кувачи-Олот, Гарби, Учкир конлари бўйича ҳақиқий маълумотларни таҳлил қилди ва очилган углеводород конлари бўйича маҳсулдор горизонтларнинг хусусиятларини баҳолади. Ушбу конларнинг бурғилаш натижалари, маҳсулдор горизонтлари ва уларнинг литологик хусусиятлари ҳақида маълумотлар келтирилган. Палеотектоник профиллар қурилган бўлиб, улар чўкиндилар хосил бўлишини, қатламлар тарқалганлигини ёки йўқлигини тавсифлайди. Тадқиқотлар натижасида муаллифлар геология-қидирув ишларини режалаштиришда эътибор бериш керак бўлган бир қатор хулосалар қилди, хусусан: қуйи бўр ётқизиқлари тарқалган ҳудудларга излов-разведка ишларини йўналтириш, асосий истиқболлари қуйи бўр билан боғлиқ бўлган XIV-1, XIV-2, XIV-3 горизонтларни батафсил ўрганиш.


This article is devoted to assessing the potential of oil and gas potential of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Chardjou tectonic stage of the Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region. The authors analyzed the actual data on the existing fields of this territory - Kuvachi-Alat, Garbi and Uchkyr, evaluated the characteristics of the productive horizons of already discovered hydrocarbon fields. Information is provided on the results of drilling at these fields, on productive horizons, and their lithological characteristics. Paleotectonic profiles have been constructed that characterize the nature of sedimentation, consistency or absence of any deposits. As a result of the research, the authors made several fundamental conclusions that need to be paid attention to when planning geological exploration, namely: to direct exploration research in the territory of the distribution of the Lower Cretaceous deposits, the main prospects are associated with the productive horizons of the Lower Cretaceous - XIV-1, XIV-2, XIV-3 requiring detailed study.

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