Bu konsepsiyaga ko'ra universal mazmunga ega bo'lgan ideal, mutloq qadriyat o'z-o'zidan mavjud bo'lgan mustaqil mohiyatdir. Aslida ob'ektiv deb e'lon qilinsada va eng umumiy xarakterga ega bo'lsada, u o'zining asosiy insonga mo'ljallangan, insonning insonga munosabati bilan bog'liq mohiyatini yo'qotadi. "Qadriyat" tushunchasi uning kimga nisbatan qadrli ekanligini nazarda tutadi. Aks holda u mohiyatini yo'qotadi. Umumiy holda qadriyatlar yo'q, qadrli qadriyatlar bo'lishi kimga nisbatanligi bilan ahamiyatli.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Sibashvili G.M. | профессор | Телавский государственный университет им.Я.Гогебашвили |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | BUACHIDZE, T.A. (1987). 'The value and purpose of the person' // Individual person, personality . Tbilisi: Metsniereba, Gruz. |
2 | WINDELBAND, V. (1910). 'New problems of values and a return to idealism // Windelband, V. Philosophy in the German spiritual life of the XIX century'. Moskow: |
3 | RICKERT, G. (1910). 'On the concept of philosophy' // Logos. Moskow: Musaget, - Êí.I. |
4 | RICKERT, G. (1910).'Values of Life and Cultural Values' // Logos. Moskow: Musaget, Book.I. |
5 | RICKERT, G. (1910). 'Judgment and the process of judgment' // Logos. Moskow: Musaget, Book II. |
6 | RICKERT, G. (1913). 'Two ways of the theory of knowledge' // New ideas in philosophy. - N 7. Spb: Education. |
7 | RICKERT, G. (1913). 'The system of values'. Logos. - Pg., Moscow: Publication of M.O. Wolf, Vol.I. |
8 | TEVZADZE, G.V. (1961). 'Criticism of the theory of values by Rickert G'. Works of the Institute of Philosophy, X. Tbilisi: Pub l. |
9 | CHAVCHAVADZE, N.Z. (1979). 'Culture and Values' // Culture in the Light of Philosophy. Tbilisi: Helovneba. |
10 | RICKERT, H. (1915).'Der Gregenstand der Erckenntnis'. Tabingen: |