The study and prediction o f the deformation properties o f the materials studied
in the work is possible on the basis o f mathematical modeling o f deformation and relaxation
processes. In this article, we give an algorithm for solving a nonlinear functional equation with
complex variables resulting from mathematical modeling o f problems concerning the properties o f a
deformable solid.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 13-09-2022
  • O'qishlar soni 245
  • Nashr sanasi 11-09-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar20-26

The study and prediction o f the deformation properties o f the materials studied
in the work is possible on the basis o f mathematical modeling o f deformation and relaxation
processes. In this article, we give an algorithm for solving a nonlinear functional equation with
complex variables resulting from mathematical modeling o f problems concerning the properties o f a
deformable solid.


Qaralayotgan materiallarning deformatsion xossalarini tadqiqot va bashorat
qilish, deformatsiya va relaksatsiya jarayonlarni matematik modellashtirish orqali amalga oshiriladi.
Ushbu maqolada biz deformatsiyaluvchi qattiq jismlarni xossalarini oid masalalar matematik
modellashtirish jaroyonida uchraydigan kompleks o'zgaruvchili nochiziqli funksional tenglamalarni
yechishning Myuller usuli qo'llab algoritmi keltirilgan.


Исследование и прогнозирование деформационных свойств изучаемых в
работе материалов возможно на основе математического моделирования деформационных
и релаксационных процессов. В данной статье мы даем алгоритм решения нелинейного
функционального уравнение с комплексными переменными получающегося процессе
математического моделирование задач касательно свойств деформируемого твёрдого тела.

Havola nomi
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