The article discusses the multifaceted work of Ahmad Donish as a unique phenomenon in the spiritual culture of the Uzbek people at the beginning of the 19th century. The works of A. Donish, especially "Navodir ul-wakoe" ("Rare events"), are considered as the first serious scientific work, where the problems of education are directly and directly raised as a way of getting rid of age-old backwardness, social apathy and intellectual ignorance that prevailed for a long time Bukhara Emirate. Donish's educational views directly and directly flow from the social and political reality of his time, which influenced subsequent generations of the enlighteners of Central Asia.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9505-2019-1-9
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 09-11-2019
  • O'qishlar soni 187
  • Nashr sanasi 30-01-2019
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar92-102

The article discusses the multifaceted work of Ahmad Donish as a unique phenomenon in the spiritual culture of the Uzbek people at the beginning of the 19th century. The works of A. Donish, especially "Navodir ul-wakoe" ("Rare events"), are considered as the first serious scientific work, where the problems of education are directly and directly raised as a way of getting rid of age-old backwardness, social apathy and intellectual ignorance that prevailed for a long time Bukhara Emirate. Donish's educational views directly and directly flow from the social and political reality of his time, which influenced subsequent generations of the enlighteners of Central Asia.


Ahmad Donishning ko'p qirrali asari XIX asrning boshlarida o'zbek xalqining ma'naviy madaniyatida noyob hodisa sifatida. A.Donishning asarlari ichida, ayniqsa, "Navodir ul-vaqoye" ("Noyob hodisalar") asari ilk dolzarb ilmiy ishlardan biri bo'lib, unda ta'lim muammolari bevosita va to'g'ridan-to'g'ri eskilik sarqitlaridan, uzoq vaqt davomida Buxoro amirligida hukm surgan ijtimoiy tarqoqlik, johillik va aqliy nodonliklardan chekinish muammolarini ko'tarishga bag'ishlanadi. Donishning ta'limiy qarashlari o'z davrining ijtimoiy va siyosiy real hayotidagi Markaziy Osiyo uyg'onish davri ma'rifatparvar avlodlariga bevosita ta'sirini aks etishida yuz berganini ko'rsatib beradi.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Hamdamova .S.
Havola nomi
1 1. Shokhin Shamsiddin (1987). 'Selected Works'. Dushanbe, "Irfon", p. 59.
2 2. Donish Ahmad (1960). 'Travel from Bukhara to Petersburg'. Dushanbe, Tajikgosizdat, p.128.
3 3. Tashkulov,D. (1990). 'Donish'. Moskow., P.137.
4 4. Donish Ahmad. 'Travel from Bukhara to Petersburg'. Dushanbe, Tajikgosizdat, 1960. p. 88.
5 5. Tashkulov,D.(1990). 'Donish'. Moskow., p. 130.
6 6. Donish Ahmad (1960). 'Journey from Bukhara to Petersburg', p.22.
7 7. Donish Ahmad(1968). 'Navodir ul-wake. Kitobi 1'. Dushanbe, Donish, p.126.
8 8. Donish Ahmad (1990). 'Treatise on the order of civilization and mutual aid'. In: Tashkulov D. Donish. Moskow.., p. 151.
9 9. Donish Ahmad (1960). 'Journey from Bukhara to Petersburg', p.121.
10 10. Donish Ahmad(1960). 'Navodir st-wako. Kitobi 1'. Dushanbe, Donish 1968. p. 123-Hajar, R. (2013). The Air of History (Part V) IbnSina (Avicenna): The Great Physician and Philosopher. Heart Views, 14 (4), 196-201. doi:10.4103/1995-705X.126893
11 11. Donish Ahmad (1960). 'Journey from Bukhara to Petersburg', Dushanbe, Tajikgosizdat, p. 168.
12 12. Donish Ahmad (1960). 'Travel from Bukhara to Petersburg', Dushanbe, Tajikgosizdat, p. 169.
13 13. Adabiyot totiik gift nimai duiumi asri XVIII wa avvali asri XIX(1989). Dushanbe, p. 37.
14 14. Donish Ahmad (1960). 'Journey from Bukhara to Petersburg'. Dushanbe, Tajikgosizdat, p. 164.
15 15. Donish Ahmad (1960). 'Journey from Bukhara to Petersburg', Dushanbe, Tajikgosizdat, p.128.
16 16. Donish Ahmad (1960).'Journey from Bukhara to Petersburg', Dushanbe, Tajikgosizdat, p.126.
17 17. Donish Ahmad.'Journey from Bukhara to Petersburg', Dushanbe, Tajikgosizdat,p.131.