In this article is considered the problem of R. Isaac’s "Life-line", when liner constraint is imposed on the pursuer control class which is a generalization of integral as well as geometric constraints and only a geometric constraint is imposed on the evader control class and here it is studied for win of the pursuer

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 24-11-2022
  • O'qishlar soni 291
  • Nashr sanasi 12-11-2020
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar22-27

In this article is considered the problem of R. Isaac’s "Life-line", when liner constraint is imposed on the pursuer control class which is a generalization of integral as well as geometric constraints and only a geometric constraint is imposed on the evader control class and here it is studied for win of the pursuer


Ushbu maqolada R.Ayzeksning «Qutulish chizig’i o’yini» masalasi, quvlovchining boshqaruvi chiziqli chegaralanishga, ya’ni integral va geometrik chegaralanishlarning umumlashgan holida, qochuvchinig boshqaruvi esa faqat geometrik chegaralanishga ega holda masala ko’riladi va bunda o’yin quvlovchining foydasiga hal bo’lish holi uchun o’rganilgan


В этой статье рассматривается задаша Р. Айзекса игра с «линией жизни», когда на класс управлений преследователя налагается линейное огранишение, которое является обобщением как интегральных, так и геометришеских огранишений; а на класс управлений убегающего - только геометришеское и здесь изушена слушай выигрыша преследователя.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Samatov B.T. DSc of physics-mathematics, professor Namangan state university
2 Xorilov .A. Basic doctoral student Namangan state university
3 Sobitov R.A. teacher at the chair of Mathematics Namangan state university
Havola nomi
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