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  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 03-04-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 144
  • Nashr sanasi 04-02-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar7
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This article, entitled “Hanafi jurisprudence in Mavarannahr and the role of Shamsul-Aimma Imam Al-Sarakhsi in it», provides an overview of Hanafi jurisprudence, which is widely practiced in the Islamic world today, and which has both practical and theoretical basis for Muslim societies. The factors that played a part in Hanafism spread of Mavarannahr  and the reasons for its widespread use in the region were explored. It is known that Hanafism is not only spread in Mavarannahr , but also scholars from this land have a great contribution to its development. The article emphasizes this issue. Scientific works written by the prominent figures of Hanafi jurisprudence of Mavarannahr and their importance are briefly described and various sources of scientific and comparative analysis on the stages of  Hanafism’s development are presented. At the same time, the role of Shamsul-Aimma Imam Al-Sarakhsi (10091069) among the scholars of Mavarannahr  was analyzed and his rich artistic patterns were discussed by raising the content of the article.  Imam Sarakhsi was known as a leading scholar of his time and a great contributor to the development of Hanafism. The article gives a great deal of information about the scientist’s work “Mabsut”.  The works of Imam Sarakhsi is illustrated the importance not only of their own time, but also of later times and even of the present. The author of the article made clear and concise statements in his conclusions about the work of Imam Sarakhsi and the importance of “Mabsut”. 

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 QOSIMOV M.. Doctorate O’zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi
Havola nomi
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