The article describes the main stages of creating autogenous technologies for
processing sulfide copper concentrates. It is shown that the introduction of autogenous
technologies significantly intensifies the processes, creates the opportunity to work without the
consumption of external hydrocarbon fuel, to provide all the necessary heat for metallurgical
smelting exclusively due to exothermic reactions. The role of oxygen as the main component
ensuring the completeness and rate of physicochemical transformations of the charge
components is shown. Briefly given information about processes such as "Outokumpu", "Flash
Smelting Furnace (FSF) and others.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 25-04-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 178
  • Nashr sanasi 20-04-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar37-44

The article describes the main stages of creating autogenous technologies for
processing sulfide copper concentrates. It is shown that the introduction of autogenous
technologies significantly intensifies the processes, creates the opportunity to work without the
consumption of external hydrocarbon fuel, to provide all the necessary heat for metallurgical
smelting exclusively due to exothermic reactions. The role of oxygen as the main component
ensuring the completeness and rate of physicochemical transformations of the charge
components is shown. Briefly given information about processes such as "Outokumpu", "Flash
Smelting Furnace (FSF) and others.

Havola nomi
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