Recycling of waste polymer raw materials is the most promising and actively
developing way of using polymer waste. Recycled polymer raw materials can be used as a
component of a composite material, which requires significant production costs and the cost of
the resulting material. In the work on the formation of composites on a mixture of powders of
highly dispersed polyethylene, polypropylene, silk and wool, cellulose bases, which have good
physical and mechanical properties and are applicable for the use of materials with desired
properties. The results of the study of the structure and morphology of methods for obtaining
powder materials and optical microscopy showed that the co-grinding of fibrous raw materials
mixed with thermoplastic layers is associated with an increased need for a homogeneous system,
and their surface surface is quite smooth and completely retains the crystallinity and birefringent
properties of natural silk. The results of the study also show that the use of new technological
processes makes it possible to maximize the resource potential of waste, increase the amount of
waste sent for disposal, with the effect of the impact of waste on the environment, and expand
the range of materials for technical, household and individual purposes. In this regard, the
authors proposed a method for obtaining secondary polymers in the form of finely dispersed
powders, which are significantly inferior to the primary polymer with physical and mechanical
properties, and they are much cheaper

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 25-04-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 197
  • Nashr sanasi 20-04-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar64-69

Recycling of waste polymer raw materials is the most promising and actively
developing way of using polymer waste. Recycled polymer raw materials can be used as a
component of a composite material, which requires significant production costs and the cost of
the resulting material. In the work on the formation of composites on a mixture of powders of
highly dispersed polyethylene, polypropylene, silk and wool, cellulose bases, which have good
physical and mechanical properties and are applicable for the use of materials with desired
properties. The results of the study of the structure and morphology of methods for obtaining
powder materials and optical microscopy showed that the co-grinding of fibrous raw materials
mixed with thermoplastic layers is associated with an increased need for a homogeneous system,
and their surface surface is quite smooth and completely retains the crystallinity and birefringent
properties of natural silk. The results of the study also show that the use of new technological
processes makes it possible to maximize the resource potential of waste, increase the amount of
waste sent for disposal, with the effect of the impact of waste on the environment, and expand
the range of materials for technical, household and individual purposes. In this regard, the
authors proposed a method for obtaining secondary polymers in the form of finely dispersed
powders, which are significantly inferior to the primary polymer with physical and mechanical
properties, and they are much cheaper

Havola nomi
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