The present article elucidates the science of Koran,
the history of researches on “Tafsir” and their current
development in foreign and Uzbek languages. As well
as this article brings to light the data about the scientifc
directions and branches of the above mentioned
researches. The author suggests the scientifc directions
of the researches that are necessary to be done in Uzbek
language. According to him a lot of researches on
science of Koran have been done in Uzbek language.
However, when they are compared with those in Arabic
it is revealed that great a deal of work should be done
by the Uzbek scientists and in the article he focuses his
attention on them.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 28-04-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 107
  • Nashr sanasi 11-04-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar6

The present article elucidates the science of Koran,
the history of researches on “Tafsir” and their current
development in foreign and Uzbek languages. As well
as this article brings to light the data about the scientifc
directions and branches of the above mentioned
researches. The author suggests the scientifc directions
of the researches that are necessary to be done in Uzbek
language. According to him a lot of researches on
science of Koran have been done in Uzbek language.
However, when they are compared with those in Arabic
it is revealed that great a deal of work should be done
by the Uzbek scientists and in the article he focuses his
attention on them.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Maksudov D.. The Head of Department of “The Investigation of the Islamic Studies and the Islamic civilization ISESCO” PHD holder of the Historical Sciences O'zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi
Havola nomi
1 1. Currently, as a result of the development of science, sudies are being made on the basics of eye cataract correction in medicine, biology, zoology, asronomy, geography, and even in oculisics. It is natural for them to move. See https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/_الإعجاز_الطبي ;في_القرآنhttp://quran-m.com/quran/suncategory/9/ علوم-الطب-و-الحياة 2. In fact, the feld of the Quran-based translation is not recognized as a separate science, but today it is necessary to study it separately. Due to the fact that the Russian translations have reached the thirtieth place, and Uzbek translations have reached the tenth place. If you include other languages, then you will come to the conclusion that it is important to study them separately. When it comes to Quran translations, it is also important to note that they are permissible, that is, literal translations and non-verbal translations. 3. Makhsudov D. Thе Light of Islam, 1-сон 2019 йил INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC ACADEMY OF UZBEKISTAN; Palvanov O’. 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Al-Burhan f ulumil Quran/ Survey Muhammad Abul Fazl Ibrahim. - Beirut: Dor y’a’il Arabia, 1957. J. 1. 8. https://e-minbar.com/quranic-studies 9. Fahd ibn Rumi explains the interpretation: «التفسير في الاصطلاح :هو اسم للعلم الباحث عن بيان معاني ألفاظ القرآن وما يستفاد ( »منها باختصار أو توسعtafsir is a science that explores the meaning of the words of the Quran in terms of the meaning and benefts of compact or comprehensive benefts). 10. Dalilul Kitab al-fd dirosotit Koran (p. 399) Institute of Imam Shatabi Institute of Quran Studies and Lessons. It is worth noting that there are several scientifc institutes and centers in the Arabic world on the Quran studies and interpretive studies. They also operate on the internet and they are available in the social networks. In this sense, it is advisable to establish the research centers, dedicated to the study of the Qur’an. 11. Hibatullah bin Salam al-Muqrii. 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Asbob nuzulil Qur’on. – Bayrut: Dorul kutubil ilmiya, 2001/1422. 15. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Goldsiyer,_Ignats. ريجيس بلاشير »القرآن: نزوله، ترجمته وتأثيره«، ترجمة رضا سعادة،“ .16 دار الكتاب اللبناني، ،1974ص: .41إميل درمنغم:« َ حياة مح ّمد«، نقله إلى العربية عادل زعيتر. ـ ط ّ .2ـ بيروت: المؤسسة العربية للدراسات .والنشر, 1988م. ـ ص 277 َ مح ّم َ د أمين حسن مح ّمد بني عامر: ”المستشرقون والقرآن الكريم“، --17. 3 إربد: دار الأمل, 2004م. ـ ص .223ـ نقلاً عن محمود أبو الفيض المنوفي الحسيني. سيرة سيِّد المرسلين. ـ القاهرة: دار نهضة مصر, ـ 19 ـ18 .ص 18. Encyclopaedia of Qur’an. 1st Edition. Ed. by Jane Dammen McAuliffe et al., 5 vols. plus index.– Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2001–2006. 19. BrockelmanC. Geschichtederarabischenlitteratur. 2. Band. – Berlin: Verlag, 1902. 20. Muller F.M. The sacred books of the East. Volume VI. The Qur’an. Translated by Palmer E.H. Motilal Banarsidass; Muller F.M. The sacred books of the East. Volume IX. The Qur’an. Translated by Palmer E.H. 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