The article provides data on the manuscripts of Amir
Khusrow Dehlavi’s heritage, especially the manuscripts
stored at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after
Abu Rayhan Biruni under Academy of Sciences of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, and their research on rubai’s.
The manuscript that we have reviewed illustrates
the origin of the ghazals. However, no mention is
made of where rubais came from. The order of giving
of the ruba’is is not based on any principle in many
manuscripts. It can be clear that only a few of them are
in alphabetical order, either by the frst letter of ruba’i,
or by the last letter of the rhyme. It is worth noting that
the mixed circulation of the ruba’is of the fve devans in
the manuscript may be attributed to the long-standing
tendency of the poet’s devotees to try to ft into one
The article provides data on the manuscripts of Amir
Khusrow Dehlavi’s heritage, especially the manuscripts
stored at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after
Abu Rayhan Biruni under Academy of Sciences of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, and their research on rubai’s.
The manuscript that we have reviewed illustrates
the origin of the ghazals. However, no mention is
made of where rubais came from. The order of giving
of the ruba’is is not based on any principle in many
manuscripts. It can be clear that only a few of them are
in alphabetical order, either by the frst letter of ruba’i,
or by the last letter of the rhyme. It is worth noting that
the mixed circulation of the ruba’is of the fve devans in
the manuscript may be attributed to the long-standing
tendency of the poet’s devotees to try to ft into one
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Nizamova F.. | Executive docent of the Chair of “Classic Oriental literature and source studies” | O'zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi |
№ | Havola nomi |
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