The following article deals with the concept
analysis in the literary dialogue from the perspective
of Cognitive and Cultural linguistics. Cognitive and
Cultural linguistics are the modern trends of Linguistics
as a result of anthropocentric paradigm to language. In
this approach, the interaction between the language and
human is the main basis of this paradigm. Cognitive
and Cultural Linguistics have own main notions as
interdisciplinary branches of linguistic sciences and
“concept” is considered as one of basic notions of
Cognitive and Cultural linguistics as well as being the
core of attention of several interdisciplinary branches
of linguistics. In this article, concepts Beauty and Love
are analyzed according to the study with the notional,
image-bearing and evaluative layers. In this regard, two
concepts are analyzed according to dictionary defnitions
in notional level. The image-bearing and evaluative
layers are based on the features of the concept in the
extracts of literary dialogues of the texts.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 28-04-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 54
  • Nashr sanasi 11-04-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar6

The following article deals with the concept
analysis in the literary dialogue from the perspective
of Cognitive and Cultural linguistics. Cognitive and
Cultural linguistics are the modern trends of Linguistics
as a result of anthropocentric paradigm to language. In
this approach, the interaction between the language and
human is the main basis of this paradigm. Cognitive
and Cultural Linguistics have own main notions as
interdisciplinary branches of linguistic sciences and
“concept” is considered as one of basic notions of
Cognitive and Cultural linguistics as well as being the
core of attention of several interdisciplinary branches
of linguistics. In this article, concepts Beauty and Love
are analyzed according to the study with the notional,
image-bearing and evaluative layers. In this regard, two
concepts are analyzed according to dictionary defnitions
in notional level. The image-bearing and evaluative
layers are based on the features of the concept in the
extracts of literary dialogues of the texts.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 ABDUGAFFAROVA G.. EFL teacher of the department foreign languages.EFL teacher of the department foreign languages. International Islamic Academy оf Uzbekistan
Havola nomi
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