The article provides data on the manuscripts and studies of the legacy of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi, stored in the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Biruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the manuscripts we examined, there is information about the origin of ghazals, but there is no mention of the origin of the ruba’is. In many manuscripts, the order of filing the ruba’is is not based on any principle. Only a few of them are arranged alphabetically, either by the first letter of the verse or by the last letter of the rhyme. It should be noted that the mixed order of transmission of the ruba’is in five divans in the manuscripts involved in the study can be explained by the long-standing tendency of the poet’s attempts to include them in the framework of one collection. As the main sources of research under the heading of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi can be used the manuscripts of the poet’s works stored at the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The study of these sources will help to address the gaps in the available publications and to bring the ruba’is to a fuller scale. The materials concerning the rubaiyat of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi, published in Kanpur, Tehran, Dushanbe, do not fully cover the works of the poet of this genre. Therefore, they can only be used as auxiliary resources for research. Our research on the ruba’is of Dehlavi shows that the manuscripts of the Abu Reikhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies are reliable and important sources for compiling a complete collection of poetry in this genre. The opinions of previous and current researchers of works about the impossibility of compiling a complete collection of the poetic heritage of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi also apply to his ruba’is. But our research shows that it is possible to create the largest collection of Amir Khusrov Dehlavi’s ruba’is based on the poet’s manuscripts from the funds of Uzbekistan. The large number of handwritten copies of the works of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi allows us to determine when and how many works of this genre were copied, which makes it possible to carry out further research in this area.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 12-05-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 74
  • Nashr sanasi 28-04-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar9

The article provides data on the manuscripts and studies of the legacy of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi, stored in the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Biruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the manuscripts we examined, there is information about the origin of ghazals, but there is no mention of the origin of the ruba’is. In many manuscripts, the order of filing the ruba’is is not based on any principle. Only a few of them are arranged alphabetically, either by the first letter of the verse or by the last letter of the rhyme. It should be noted that the mixed order of transmission of the ruba’is in five divans in the manuscripts involved in the study can be explained by the long-standing tendency of the poet’s attempts to include them in the framework of one collection. As the main sources of research under the heading of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi can be used the manuscripts of the poet’s works stored at the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The study of these sources will help to address the gaps in the available publications and to bring the ruba’is to a fuller scale. The materials concerning the rubaiyat of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi, published in Kanpur, Tehran, Dushanbe, do not fully cover the works of the poet of this genre. Therefore, they can only be used as auxiliary resources for research. Our research on the ruba’is of Dehlavi shows that the manuscripts of the Abu Reikhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies are reliable and important sources for compiling a complete collection of poetry in this genre. The opinions of previous and current researchers of works about the impossibility of compiling a complete collection of the poetic heritage of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi also apply to his ruba’is. But our research shows that it is possible to create the largest collection of Amir Khusrov Dehlavi’s ruba’is based on the poet’s manuscripts from the funds of Uzbekistan. The large number of handwritten copies of the works of Amir Khusrow Dehlavi allows us to determine when and how many works of this genre were copied, which makes it possible to carry out further research in this area.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 NIZAMOVA F.. UZBEKISTAN Executive docent of the Chair of Classic Oriental literature and source studies International Islamic Academy оf Uzbekistan
Havola nomi
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