Almost always with the word "test" a question comes to mind with four or five possible answers. Students usually think of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) when they are told to get tested. Testing means testing students' knowledge using different types of question forms. The proposed article examines the academic performance test, which was developed by the administration of the Uzbekistan English Teachers Association (UZTEA) for Year 2 students of lyceums and colleges. The purpose of this study is to discuss test constructs and propose a more reliable version of them if the reason for the unsatisfactory results depends on the evaluation criteria. Both formal and final tests were developed by the administration of the Uzbekistan English Teachers Association (UZTEA). There are specific assessment criteria and objectives based on the curriculum, consisting of four types of questions, addressing the respective four competencies, that is, to test the ability of students in the four core skills. In our study, only criteria related to reading skills will be considered. Reading comprehension questions will be reviewed following relevant developments and recommendations from  experts and testing requirements. The importance of the Test Modification Project for English teachers is that test scores tend to be directly related to the content of the tests. The differences between the tests involved in the study and their modified versions will be considered by the specificity of the tests, based on certain criteria and five principles of test design.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 12-05-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 64
  • Nashr sanasi 28-04-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar9

Almost always with the word "test" a question comes to mind with four or five possible answers. Students usually think of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) when they are told to get tested. Testing means testing students' knowledge using different types of question forms. The proposed article examines the academic performance test, which was developed by the administration of the Uzbekistan English Teachers Association (UZTEA) for Year 2 students of lyceums and colleges. The purpose of this study is to discuss test constructs and propose a more reliable version of them if the reason for the unsatisfactory results depends on the evaluation criteria. Both formal and final tests were developed by the administration of the Uzbekistan English Teachers Association (UZTEA). There are specific assessment criteria and objectives based on the curriculum, consisting of four types of questions, addressing the respective four competencies, that is, to test the ability of students in the four core skills. In our study, only criteria related to reading skills will be considered. Reading comprehension questions will be reviewed following relevant developments and recommendations from  experts and testing requirements. The importance of the Test Modification Project for English teachers is that test scores tend to be directly related to the content of the tests. The differences between the tests involved in the study and their modified versions will be considered by the specificity of the tests, based on certain criteria and five principles of test design.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 KHASANOVA CARTWRIGHT D.. efl teacher of the department “foreign languages”, cheonan assistant Professor International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Hoseo University
Havola nomi
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