The article provides estimates of the “material standard of living” of the world’s population by periods (life expectancy, the volume of production of consumer goods, services, and products per capita). Many scientists and experts, politicians and, statesmen who have left their mark on world history have thought about the concept of progress. Most of them supported the idea of  “ progress” only from the bottom up. One described the pinnacle of progress as Chinese communism and, another called it “Western democracy.” This one-sided explanation reflects in the theory of five entities. (primitive, slavery, feudalism, capitalism and, communism or Western democracy). It emphasizes that all nations must go through these formations. The end of the twentieth century was characterized not only by the breakdown of the socialist system so “longawaited” in the West, the disappearance of the bipolar world and the emergence of world centers of power, unpredictable insane globalization with all the ensuing consequences, but, as it is obvious now, by the emergence of new, previously unseen threats and challenges not only to the sovereignty of individual countries but, above all, by threats to the existence of both each individual and by challenges to the existence of people itself. The first quarter of the 21st century, more than ever before, stuck out, exposed and, brought to the culmination point all painful problems - environmental, economic, geopolitical, socio-cultural, etc. The problem of adequate analysis and forecasting of these threats and challenges did not test, methodologically verified. The study made it possible to conclude that the issue of global and national security on earth is one of the main tasks of any state. And the understanding of the current requirements plays a principal role in preventing the emergence of a threat factor. Thus, understanding the period is one of the dominant needs in preventing the emergence of a threat factor.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 18-05-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 93
  • Nashr sanasi 18-05-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar6

The article provides estimates of the “material standard of living” of the world’s population by periods (life expectancy, the volume of production of consumer goods, services, and products per capita). Many scientists and experts, politicians and, statesmen who have left their mark on world history have thought about the concept of progress. Most of them supported the idea of  “ progress” only from the bottom up. One described the pinnacle of progress as Chinese communism and, another called it “Western democracy.” This one-sided explanation reflects in the theory of five entities. (primitive, slavery, feudalism, capitalism and, communism or Western democracy). It emphasizes that all nations must go through these formations. The end of the twentieth century was characterized not only by the breakdown of the socialist system so “longawaited” in the West, the disappearance of the bipolar world and the emergence of world centers of power, unpredictable insane globalization with all the ensuing consequences, but, as it is obvious now, by the emergence of new, previously unseen threats and challenges not only to the sovereignty of individual countries but, above all, by threats to the existence of both each individual and by challenges to the existence of people itself. The first quarter of the 21st century, more than ever before, stuck out, exposed and, brought to the culmination point all painful problems - environmental, economic, geopolitical, socio-cultural, etc. The problem of adequate analysis and forecasting of these threats and challenges did not test, methodologically verified. The study made it possible to conclude that the issue of global and national security on earth is one of the main tasks of any state. And the understanding of the current requirements plays a principal role in preventing the emergence of a threat factor. Thus, understanding the period is one of the dominant needs in preventing the emergence of a threat factor.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 DJUMAEV R. . Doctor of political sciences, professor Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
Havola nomi
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