The authors of the article consider the features of the geoecology of the resort
areas of the Charvak reservoir in such scientific concepts as -recreational nature management; -
environmental protection; - technological. In accordance with this, the relevance of research is due
to the need: 1. Development of new approaches to assessing the level of environmental safety of
recreational nature use in the coastal part of the Charvak reservoir; 2. Improvement of the system
of geoecological safety of recreational nature use. The assessment of geoecological and, more
recently, landscape diversity is the study of processes occurring in the coastal zone of reservoirs to
solve environmental problems. The complexity of the environmental task is associated with the
presence of mining industry, developed agriculture, an extensive transport network, and mainly
related structures of tourist complexes in the study area. The development of processes is
associated with an increase in human engineering and economic influence on individual
components and elements of the surrounding geological environment. The authors have
constructed concepts based on the coexistence of technogenic development and steadily
developing ecosystems without harm or with minimal harm to the geoecology of the resort areas
of the Charvak reservoir. In this regard, ensuring the joint development of nature and society, man
and the biosphere, restoring relative harmony between them, the focus of all transformations on
the formation where the human mind will play a dominant role in the development of the "mannature" system.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 11-09-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 82
  • Nashr sanasi 11-09-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar21-27

The authors of the article consider the features of the geoecology of the resort
areas of the Charvak reservoir in such scientific concepts as -recreational nature management; -
environmental protection; - technological. In accordance with this, the relevance of research is due
to the need: 1. Development of new approaches to assessing the level of environmental safety of
recreational nature use in the coastal part of the Charvak reservoir; 2. Improvement of the system
of geoecological safety of recreational nature use. The assessment of geoecological and, more
recently, landscape diversity is the study of processes occurring in the coastal zone of reservoirs to
solve environmental problems. The complexity of the environmental task is associated with the
presence of mining industry, developed agriculture, an extensive transport network, and mainly
related structures of tourist complexes in the study area. The development of processes is
associated with an increase in human engineering and economic influence on individual
components and elements of the surrounding geological environment. The authors have
constructed concepts based on the coexistence of technogenic development and steadily
developing ecosystems without harm or with minimal harm to the geoecology of the resort areas
of the Charvak reservoir. In this regard, ensuring the joint development of nature and society, man
and the biosphere, restoring relative harmony between them, the focus of all transformations on
the formation where the human mind will play a dominant role in the development of the "mannature" system.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Begimkulov D.K. teacher TSTU
2 Zakirov M.M. teacher TSTU
3 Ermatova Y.S. teacher TSTU
4 Agzamova I.A. teacher TSTU
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