In this study, the effects of solar radiation current density (SRCD), ambient temperature, and wind speed on a 340 W monocrystalline silicon-based photovoltaic battery and two reflector photothermal batteries cooled by different water flows of the same capacity were studied.The results showed that the short-circuit current of the batteries increased significantly with increasing solar radiation current density, while the open-circuit voltage was the least affected. A wind speed of 3-4 m/s and a relatively low temperature of 15-16oC ensured that the PEB's open circuit voltage was maintained at its initial state. A decrease in PEB short-circuit current, output power, and efficiency was observed as the temperature increased above 16oC. The effects of temperature and wind on the PTB were not noticed, and the open circuit voltage, power, and efficiency of the PTB increased during the experiment until the solar radiation flux density reached a maximum. The average efficiency is 17.67% for PEB, 20.17% for PTB cooled with a water flow of 0.033 l/sec, and 20.81% for the PTB cooled with a water flow rate of 0.11 l/sec

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 07-12-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 186
  • Nashr sanasi 23-10-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar74-81

In this study, the effects of solar radiation current density (SRCD), ambient temperature, and wind speed on a 340 W monocrystalline silicon-based photovoltaic battery and two reflector photothermal batteries cooled by different water flows of the same capacity were studied.The results showed that the short-circuit current of the batteries increased significantly with increasing solar radiation current density, while the open-circuit voltage was the least affected. A wind speed of 3-4 m/s and a relatively low temperature of 15-16oC ensured that the PEB's open circuit voltage was maintained at its initial state. A decrease in PEB short-circuit current, output power, and efficiency was observed as the temperature increased above 16oC. The effects of temperature and wind on the PTB were not noticed, and the open circuit voltage, power, and efficiency of the PTB increased during the experiment until the solar radiation flux density reached a maximum. The average efficiency is 17.67% for PEB, 20.17% for PTB cooled with a water flow of 0.033 l/sec, and 20.81% for the PTB cooled with a water flow rate of 0.11 l/sec

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