In this article, the dependence of the main technological and structural factors on
the tension of the thread during the process of winding the cooked thread was studied. The analysis
of the field studies shows that various cooking characteristics are used to widen the range of textile
yarns, to obtain spun yarns by joining two or more single yarns in uniform tension, to evaluate the
mechanical properties of yarns during the spinning process. Thread tension and its dispersion are of
particular importance in the cooking process, because their values are the factors that determine the
stability of the cooking process. Therefore, it is desirable to study the characteristics of cooking textile
yarns, to coordinate and adjust many technological processes, and to determine them depending on
the scale of use. Determining the structure and composition of textile yarns is of great practical
importance, and also helps to solve complex problems in the design of yarns with given properties.
Knowledge of cooking characteristics and their management is necessary for the production of highquality products and the design of modern equipment. The results of research work and the
dependence of structural factors on thread tension were developed. That is, the reduction of the
tension dispersion leads to the stabilization of the spinning process. Appropriate recommendations
were made for the dependence of the main technological and structural factors on the tension of the
thread in the process of winding this cooked yarn.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 27-12-2023
  • O'qishlar soni 117
  • Nashr sanasi 25-12-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar124-130

In this article, the dependence of the main technological and structural factors on
the tension of the thread during the process of winding the cooked thread was studied. The analysis
of the field studies shows that various cooking characteristics are used to widen the range of textile
yarns, to obtain spun yarns by joining two or more single yarns in uniform tension, to evaluate the
mechanical properties of yarns during the spinning process. Thread tension and its dispersion are of
particular importance in the cooking process, because their values are the factors that determine the
stability of the cooking process. Therefore, it is desirable to study the characteristics of cooking textile
yarns, to coordinate and adjust many technological processes, and to determine them depending on
the scale of use. Determining the structure and composition of textile yarns is of great practical
importance, and also helps to solve complex problems in the design of yarns with given properties.
Knowledge of cooking characteristics and their management is necessary for the production of highquality products and the design of modern equipment. The results of research work and the
dependence of structural factors on thread tension were developed. That is, the reduction of the
tension dispersion leads to the stabilization of the spinning process. Appropriate recommendations
were made for the dependence of the main technological and structural factors on the tension of the
thread in the process of winding this cooked yarn.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
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