The article provides information on measurements of vibration viscosity, related methods and formulas for their calculation. The article also describes devices for measuring vibration viscosity and ways to improve them. Similarities and differences between viscosity-measuring instruments are also listed. The article discusses ways of raising the efficiency of measuring instruments and their expression; factors influencing the efficiency are also shown. Expressions for determining the required parameters and properties of the vibration viscosity measuring device depending on the test design are also given. Development stages of new measurement methods of vibration viscosity measuring instruments and their scheme have been elucidated. In conclusion, it can be said that the vibratory viscosity measuring equipment, which is based on a new design and measurement method, is promising.

  • O'qishlar soni 0
  • Nashr sanasi 29-04-2022
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar140-151

The article provides information on measurements of vibration viscosity, related methods and formulas for their calculation. The article also describes devices for measuring vibration viscosity and ways to improve them. Similarities and differences between viscosity-measuring instruments are also listed. The article discusses ways of raising the efficiency of measuring instruments and their expression; factors influencing the efficiency are also shown. Expressions for determining the required parameters and properties of the vibration viscosity measuring device depending on the test design are also given. Development stages of new measurement methods of vibration viscosity measuring instruments and their scheme have been elucidated. In conclusion, it can be said that the vibratory viscosity measuring equipment, which is based on a new design and measurement method, is promising.


Maqolada vibratsiyali qovushqoqlikni o‘lchash haqida ma’lumotlar, vibratsiyali qovushqoqlikni o‘lchash usullari va ularni hisoblash formulalari keltirilgan. Shuningdek, vibratsiyali qovushqoqlikni o‘lchash asboblari va ularning takomillashuv yo‘llari bayon etilgan. Qovushqoqlikni o‘lchash asboblarining o‘xshash va farqli jihatlari sanab o‘tilgan. O‘lchash asbobining samaradorligini oshirish va ularning ifodalari, samaradorlikka ta’sir etuvchi omillar ko‘rsatilgan. Vibratsiyali qovushqoqlikni o‘lchash asbobining zondi konstruksiyasiga bog‘liq bo‘lgan parametrlari va xususiyatlarini aniqlash ifodalari o‘rganilgan. Vibratsiyali qovushqoqlikni o‘lchash asboblari yangi o‘lchash usullarining rivojlanish bosqichlari va ularning sxemalari haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan. Yangi konstruksiyali va o‘lchash metodiga asosan ishlaydigan vibratsiyali qovushqoqlikni o‘lchash jihozlarining istiqbolli natijalari keltirilgan.


В статье приведены сведения об измерении вибрационной вязкости, а также методы измерения вибрационной вязкости и формулы для их расчета. В статье также описаны приборы для измерения вибрационной вязкости и пути их усовершенствования. Также перечислены сходства и различия между приборами для измерения вязкости. Указано, как повысить КПД измерительного прибора и их выражения, также определены факторы, влияющие на КПД. Приведены также выражения для определения параметров и свойств измерителя вибрационной вязкости в зависимости от конструкции зонда. Указаны этапы разработки новых методов измерения вибрационной вязкости и их схем. В заключение сделан вывод, что вибрационная вязкостьизмерительная аппаратура, основанная на новой конструкции и методе измерения, является перспективной.

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