The article stated a developed model of the commercial infrastructure, which has a direct impact on the national economy and the gross domestic product, for freight transportation by rail. This research area opens up new avenues for investigation on this topic, primarily in the field of practical application of the proposed studies. In the article it was shown expanding the range of services for carriers reduction of cargo downtime by digital technological solutions and by the design of a train fleet, reducing risks through transportation monitoring via beacons, which allows for the high precision tracking of cargo movements.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 16-04-2024
  • O'qishlar soni 33
  • Nashr sanasi 31-03-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar95-99

The article stated a developed model of the commercial infrastructure, which has a direct impact on the national economy and the gross domestic product, for freight transportation by rail. This research area opens up new avenues for investigation on this topic, primarily in the field of practical application of the proposed studies. In the article it was shown expanding the range of services for carriers reduction of cargo downtime by digital technological solutions and by the design of a train fleet, reducing risks through transportation monitoring via beacons, which allows for the high precision tracking of cargo movements.


В статье изложена разработанная модель коммерческой инфраструктуры, оказывающей непосредственное влияние на экономику страны и валовой внутренний продукт, для грузовых перевозок железнодорожным
транспортом. Это направление исследований открывает новые возможности для исследований по данной теме, прежде всего в области практического применения предлагаемых исследований. В статье показано 
расширение спектра услуг для перевозчиков, сокращение простоев грузов за счет цифровых технологических решений и проектирования парка  поездов, снижение рисков за счет мониторинга перевозок по маякам,
позволяющим с высокой точностью отслеживать перемещение грузов.

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