The influence of dust concentrations on the current-voltage characteristics (voltampere characteristics) of photovoltaic modules (PVM) based on crystalline silicon in laboratory
conditions. It was investigated how an uncleaned panel affects the output power. The tests were carried
out in the city of Tashkent on the territory of the “National Research Institute of Renewable Energy
Sources”. The objects were located co-plurally as specified in GOST R 60904-1 Photoelectric devices.
Part 1. Measurement of current-voltage characteristics. Measurements of a cleaned photovoltaic
module with a maximum power of 330 W and not a cleaned one of 236 W were obtained. Based on the
above, the need to clean the photovoltaic modules is very important. The results obtained show that for
non-purified photovoltaic panels, as shown in Table 1, the loss is 25.4%. In the reviewed works, a
specific indicator is studied in the interests of only the surface of photovoltaic modules and a singlecriteria problem of assessing the efficiency of using a photocell is solved, which does not allow a
comprehensive assessment of different groups of indicators and the formulation of a reasonable
conclusion about the choice of a specific option

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 24-04-2024
  • O'qishlar soni 80
  • Nashr sanasi 20-04-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar56-59

The influence of dust concentrations on the current-voltage characteristics (voltampere characteristics) of photovoltaic modules (PVM) based on crystalline silicon in laboratory
conditions. It was investigated how an uncleaned panel affects the output power. The tests were carried
out in the city of Tashkent on the territory of the “National Research Institute of Renewable Energy
Sources”. The objects were located co-plurally as specified in GOST R 60904-1 Photoelectric devices.
Part 1. Measurement of current-voltage characteristics. Measurements of a cleaned photovoltaic
module with a maximum power of 330 W and not a cleaned one of 236 W were obtained. Based on the
above, the need to clean the photovoltaic modules is very important. The results obtained show that for
non-purified photovoltaic panels, as shown in Table 1, the loss is 25.4%. In the reviewed works, a
specific indicator is studied in the interests of only the surface of photovoltaic modules and a singlecriteria problem of assessing the efficiency of using a photocell is solved, which does not allow a
comprehensive assessment of different groups of indicators and the formulation of a reasonable
conclusion about the choice of a specific option

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Mirolimov A.. Doctoral student National Research Institute of Renewable Energy Sources;
2 Iliev X.. Candidate of Physical Sciences Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent city
Havola nomi
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