№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Atajanov M.K. | Katta o'qituvchi | Тashkent State Transport University |
2 | Qutlimuratov Q.R. | Katta o'qituvchi | Kimyo International University in Tashkent |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | 1. El-Assi, W., Mahmoud, M.S., Habib, K.N., 2017. Effects of built environment and weather on bike sharing demand: a station level analysis of commercial bike sharing in Toronto. Transportation 44, 589-613. |
2 | 2. Eren, E., Uz, V.E., 2020. A review on bike-sharing: the factors affecting bike-sharing demand. Sustainable Cities and Society 54, 101882. |
3 | 3. Levy, N., Golani, C., Ben-Elia, E., 2019. An exploratory study of spatial patterns of cycling in Tel Aviv using passively generated bike-sharing data. Journal of Transport Geography 76, 325-334. |
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7 | 7. М.К.Атажанов “Шаҳар жамоат транспорти (ШЖТ) логиситик қуввати сифатини оширишда мултимодал ташиш технологияларини инновацион инфратузилмалар орқали такомиллаштириш”-Т.:“Инновацион ривожланиш нашриёти-матба уйи”,2020. №-5.-106 б. |
8 | 8. M.K.Atajanov, S.S.Solayev “Increasing the efficiency of urban public transport (UPT) services through the use of multimodal transport technologies” ICECAE 2020 [Электрон манба]. URL:https://iopscience.iop.org/issue/1755-1315/614/1. |
9 | 9. K. B. Campbell, C. Brakewood “Sharing riders: How bikesharing impacts bus ridership in New York City” journal ISSN: 0965-8564DOI 10.1016/j.tra.2017.04.017. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice - 2017 -100 C. 264-282. |
10 | 10. П.С.Шелмаков, С.В.Шелмаков “Развитие велосипедного движения в Российской Федерации” Успехи современного естествознания. – 2012. - № 6. – С. 183-184. |
11 | 11. M.А. Salah. “Impacts of Bike Sharing on Transit Ridership Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Morgantown, West Virginia” 2020. https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/etd/7875?utm_source=researchrepository.wvu.edu%2Fetd%2F7875 &utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPages Follow this and additional works at: https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/etd |
12 | 12. М.К.Атажанов. Шаҳар жамоат транспорти логистик қувватини таксономик таҳлиллар усуллари орқали баҳолаш“Логистика ва иқтисодиёт” илмий электрон журнал 2-сон 2022 йил,170- 180 б. |
13 | 13. J. Pecman. Experience with the use of electric bike as an alternative vehicle in urban areas. ISSN 1812-9498. Vestnik AGTU. 2012. № 2 (54) UDK 656.183.5:629.118.35 BBK 39.363-048.2, Цокур А.В, Денисенко Е.В. Принципы поэтапного внедрения велосипедной инфраструктуры в городскую среду. Известия КГАСУ, 2017, № 4 (42). C-117-127. |
14 | 14. A. Fan, , X.Chen, , T. Wan “How have travelers changed mode choices for first/last mile trips after the introduction of bicycle-sharing systems: an empirical study in Beijing, China” Journal of Advanced Transportation 2019, 5426080. |
15 | 15. S.Labouret, R.Vasta. “Guide des aménagements cyclables” Les schémas (illustrations non créditées) sont sous license Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 |
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17 | 17. Hamed Taherdoost, Determining Sample Size; How to Calculate Survey Sample Size, International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 2017, https://www.iaras.org/iaras/filedownloads/ijems/2017/007-0032(2017).pdf |