The main delays of vehicles on bus routes are observed at stops and along sections of routes. The delay at stops is determined based on the boarding and disembarking times according to the needs of passengers. During a section of the route, the delay time may vary depending on obstacles (intersections, traffic jams, etc.). The article models the time loss of buses at intersections in route sectionss. In the case of the presence of several traffic light objects on a route section, a method has been developed for assessing the probability of time loss based on delay options. A procedure is proposed for determining the number of delay options based on the number of intersections in the route area. The process of calculating lost time is considered as a Markov process. The purpose of the study is to develop a Markov model of bus delays in a route section to predict time losses in a route section.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 25-04-2024
  • O'qishlar soni 60
  • Nashr sanasi 29-12-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar74-81

The main delays of vehicles on bus routes are observed at stops and along sections of routes. The delay at stops is determined based on the boarding and disembarking times according to the needs of passengers. During a section of the route, the delay time may vary depending on obstacles (intersections, traffic jams, etc.). The article models the time loss of buses at intersections in route sectionss. In the case of the presence of several traffic light objects on a route section, a method has been developed for assessing the probability of time loss based on delay options. A procedure is proposed for determining the number of delay options based on the number of intersections in the route area. The process of calculating lost time is considered as a Markov process. The purpose of the study is to develop a Markov model of bus delays in a route section to predict time losses in a route section.


Основные задержки транспортных средств на автобусных маршрутах наблюдаются на остановках и на участках маршрутов. Задержка на остановках определяется исходя из времени посадки и высадки согласно потребности пассажиров. В участке маршрута время задержки может отличаться в зависимости от препятствий (перекрестков, пробок и т. д.). В статье моделируются потери времени автобусов на перекрестках в зонах маршрутов. В случае ннахождения нескольких светофорных объектов на участке маршрута разработана методика оценки вероятности потери времени по вариантам задержки. Предложена процедура определения количества вариантов задержек исходя из количества перекрестков в зоне маршрута. Процесс расчета потерянного времени рассмотрен как марковский процесс. Целью исследования является разработка марковской модели задержек автобусов в участке маршрута для прогнозирования потерь времени в участке маршрута.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Dashdamirov F.S. Katta o'qituvchi Azerbaijan Technical University
Havola nomi
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