Train movement curves are widely used in applications for railway operation and research, such as calculating train performance, estimating travel time over a stretch, estimating fuel and electricity consumption for traction, capacity analysis, train
movement planning, planning a new route, upgrading an old route, etc. Train movement is very complex and is regulated by many factors. As a result, an accurate and reasonable motion curve cannot be easily obtained using analytical approaches. Since this is a time consuming job, the modern approach is to create a train performance simulator to perform such calculations. Although many computer models have been developed, and some of them have become commercial software, their computing algorithms are not publicly disclosed due to trade secrets. In particular, they may not take into account the practical rules and, therefore, they are difficult to apply to specific railway systems.

  • Internet havola
  • DOI
  • UzSCI tizimida yaratilgan sana 11-05-2024
  • O'qishlar soni 66
  • Nashr sanasi 30-09-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar6-11

Train movement curves are widely used in applications for railway operation and research, such as calculating train performance, estimating travel time over a stretch, estimating fuel and electricity consumption for traction, capacity analysis, train
movement planning, planning a new route, upgrading an old route, etc. Train movement is very complex and is regulated by many factors. As a result, an accurate and reasonable motion curve cannot be easily obtained using analytical approaches. Since this is a time consuming job, the modern approach is to create a train performance simulator to perform such calculations. Although many computer models have been developed, and some of them have become commercial software, their computing algorithms are not publicly disclosed due to trade secrets. In particular, they may not take into account the practical rules and, therefore, they are difficult to apply to specific railway systems.


Кривые движения поездов широко используются в приложениях для эксплуатации железных дорог и исследований, таких как расчет производительности поездов, оценка времени хода по перегону, оценка расхода топлива и  электроэнергии на тягу, анализ пропускной способности, планирование движения поездов, планирование нового маршрута, модернизация старого маршрута и т.д. Движение поезда очень сложное и регулируется многими факторами. В результате, точный и разумный кривой движения не может быть легко получено с помощью аналитических подходов. Поскольку это трудоемкая работа, современный подход заключается в создании симулятора производительности поезда для выполнения таких вычислений. Хотя было разработано много компьютерных моделей, и некоторые из них стали коммерческим программным обеспечением, их алгоритмы вычислений не раскрываются публично из-за коммерческой тайны. В частности, они могут не учитывать практические правила и, следовательно, их трудно применять к конкретным железнодорожным системам.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Lesov A.T. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
Havola nomi
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